Three Years Ago

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A/N: This is what happened three years ago... so this is the prologue after the first chapter! I hope you like it! Again I thank Lilly because she gave me the motivation to update today! Enjoy! And please give me any feedback! I really like reading comments! And Vote! Love Me xx Lulu Payne~


Chapter 2: Three Years Ago...

Louis fixed his hair in the mirror and smiled brightly at his reflection. Even though he was repeating the 12th grade for the second time he was happy. This year was going to be awesome! He was going to make friends, have fun, and hopefully pass his senior year. 

"Bye Mum!" He called as he slammed the door behind him and began walking towards school.


"Harry Styles! I fucking hate you! How could you do that to me?" This small, petite, blonde haired girl squealed at the top of her lungs. 

Louis was walking down the crowded hallway when he heard it, and at the mention of the name of the interesting boy, he looked up and tried to listen more intently. 

"I never said I loved you. I don't understand why you are so mad at me, what did I do wrong?" Harry was leaning against one of the lockers, this bored expression on his face.

He was used to this, he didn't really mind it, but sometimes the repeat of the same thing over and over again got a bit annoying. Girls could be so clingy sometimes. They thought that if you fucked them it meant you loved them, it was so closed-minded.

"But, but, but you told me last week, you said you loved me." She was shocked at how he was taking this, she was sure he would try to console her.

"Nope." Harry breathed out popping the 'P'. "I never said I loved you. I said I loved your body, there's a difference Blondie." Harry didn't even bother wracking his brain and trying to remember her name, she wasn't even that good of a lay. 

The crowd that had gathered around the screaming couple 'oohed' at his words. Some girls gasped, other girls laughed happily, they were only jealous of anyone and everyone who was around Harry Styles. The rest of the crowd consisted of boys, Harry's boys, the boys that were Harry's best "mates". They were the loudest, they were laughing out loud, some were clutching their sides while others snickered quietly, not surprised at all by Harry's words. 

"Sorry, but if I fuck you, it doesn't mean I love you." He smiled sweetly, knowing that this would piss her off even more. 

The girl didn't say nothing at first she just stared at Harry hatefully, fighting the tears from falling. The people that had stayed to watch were now shuffling around trying to get to their classes on time before a teacher came and did it for them. Harry just sighed as he turned away from the girl and began walking towards his class, if he wasn't paying attention he would've missed the words that the girl shouted at the top of her lungs.


"You already did love! And if I remember clearly you fucking loved it." Harry calls from behind his shoulder, this time holding back laughter as he turned the corner of the hallway.

Louis Tomlinson was intrigued. Harry Styles had always been intriguing to him from day one. Louis Tomlinson hadn't necessarily developed a crush on the boy, but he wanted to know more about him. His personality interested Louis. Louis found himself laughing at the event he witnessed as the day proceeded. He couldn't help but smile as he remembered how Harry had responded to being told 'fuck you' it was so witty, smart, and just plain mean, but for some reason it was funny. 

Hatred + Sex = Love (AU/Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now