Feeding the Dogs

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Chapter Five

Feeding the Dogs

Arie's POV

What was that man thinking? I had been asleep, and he wakes me up just to hear my freaking voice. Do I smell clinginess? No one, and I mean no one, wakes me up from sleeping. NO ONE. I've went through I don't know how many alarm clocks and phones with alarm clocks on them mainly because I've smashed them to smithereens.

Yeah, Mom wasn't too happy with me when I accidentally punched her in the face when she tried to wake me up.

Now, I'm sitting here, being stared at by Tré, leaning over a bowl full of soggy Krave cereal. I'm now pissed that my favorite cereal is soggy and inedible.

"Honey. Hate to break it to you, but you're not leaving that table until you eat all of that cereal, soggy or not. You wasted a crap ton of it last week and I'm not letting you waste more. Eat it." She barked.

Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

"Tré." I whispered over to him.

"What?" He asked.

"Wanna do me a favor?" I smirked at him mischievously.

"I'm cool with anything." He smiled.

"Could you be so kind as to eating my cereal when my mom leaves?" I whispered.

He shook his head yes and we waited for my mom to go out of the room for me to give him the bowl.

He scarfed the food down in one slurp and gave me back to bowl. I put the bowl in the sink, gave Tré a hug, and skipped happily in front of my mom and went up to my bedroom.

I started texting Billie.

Me: You call me in the middle of the night one more time, I swear, your nuts are going to your forehead.

Billie: Hmm...after u see them, you'll think differently:D

Me: ugh, ur disgusting.

Billie: No, I just know how to swoon girls. ;)

Me: ur an idiot.

Billie: And I'm American.

Me: An American Idiot. My mate is the St. Jimmy, and Jesus of Suburbia all in one.

Billie: So you did accept me.

Me: No.

Billie: WHAT?! ;(

Me: Just kidding. lol. :D

Billie: Luna...don't do that. I don't know what I would do if you rejected me...-.-

Me: Well, I have to go, homework's a bitch. See ya.

Billie: Call me tonight. I love you babe.

Me: I'm not sure if I love you. >:)

Billie: D: WHAT.

Me: Close your mouth darling, you might catch a fly or something.

Billie: and don't close ur mouth;)

Me: I perv for a mate...;(

Billie: Only a perv for u babe..

Me: Bye Billie.

Billie: Goodbye and farewell, my love.

Me: Don't go all Shakespeare on me now.

With that, I stopped texting me and went to go start packing. Moving remember?

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