Brain Stew

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Chapter Eight

Brain Stew

Arie's POV

I couldn't see at all, it was like a force was making it to where my vision was so blurred to the point of blindness. The smell was horrible, blood, dirt, and rotting flesh filled my nose with every intake of breath. I felt as if my veins were on fire, liquid fire running through my veins. I stirred slightly, hearing something fall to the ground.

"You're awake! How lovely." A voice says with fake happiness. Sarcasm was laced within their words.

"W...where am I?" I mutter, my throat was sore, so sore that it felt like sandpaper going down my throat.

"Always the same questions, who are you? Where am I? What do you want with me? So let's just do each other a favor. You shut up like a good little Luna that my love wants so desperately, and I won't hit you as much. Deal?" The voice spat.

"What do you mean by hitting me as much? Who the fuck are you?" I manage to blurt out.

Something hit my face hard, the skin on my cheek felt hard, obviously swollen. It began to burn and prickle. The person had hit me.

"I thought we were gonna make a deal. Humph, well, guess you like being hit. Drake! Bring me the X vials! Now!" The voice ordered.

A few minutes had past before something clicked and swung open. Seconds later a pop sound and a swish. Something hit my eyes, making them burn like hell. It felt like acid, though it more than likely was.

"Mmm, doesn't that just feel pleasant? Bet you wish your boy toy was here now, don't you?" The voice asks.

"Go to hell." I spit in the direction they were in.

Another punch to the face.

"My, you are a little potty mouth aren't you? What did the Alpha see in you? I mean, I'm way more beautiful than you, and I have supernatural abilities! What have you got? Big fat human NOTHING. I'm the most powerful witch to have ever walked on this earth, and he picks you over me! If I could I would kill you now." The voice hesitates, "But if I want my plan to go right, I have to keep you alive."

"Why can't I see? What did you do to me?" I ask, struggling against the chains against my wrists and ankles.

"Oh, you know, just dribbled a little bit of highly radioactive acid in your corneas, good luck seeing, I'm pretty sure you're now blind." I could hear the humor in her voice.

"And what does my being tortured bring you?" I ask, trying to clear the blurriness from my eyes.

"Do you think that Billie will want you now? You're blind, your hair is singed, you smell horrible, and I'm about to have your legs cut off by one of my henchmen. I doubt that that black headed asshole will want you after that."

The person began to walk away, their footsteps became quieter and quieter.

"You're wrong." I mutter to myself.

Billie is going to find me, no matter what this bitch does to me, I know deep down that he will find me.

Billie's POV

I ran through countless woods, as fast as my alpha speed would take me, hell I even ran in front of a few cars on the highway. Sure as hell scared the shit out of a few soccer moms. I didn't even care that I was breaking council rules about being transformed in front of civilians. I didn't care, the only thing that mattered was my missing mate.

"Alpha, we found her..." I hear Mike's voice over the mind link.

"What?! Is she alright?! Tell me damn it!"

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