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I wake up to the sound of the blender in rhe kitchen.

-Hey mom.- I say yawning and strecthing my arms.

-Hey sweetie, Breakfeasts ready-. She says handing me a plate with scrambled eggs, bacon and a orange juice. It looked and smelled delicious.

I finish eating and hed back to my room to change. I change into (media) with a pair of light blue skinny jeans and black converse. I'm wearing light makeup and my hair is loose with my natural curls.

I am walking into class when someone interrupts me.

-Oh Hey Cindy-. Says Joshua

-Hey Joshua-.

Joshua is a really cool guy, We have been really good friends since I can remember. Joshua has a totall crush on me, I noticed when last year we were at a party and I was "supposably" drunk, he told me everything he felt about me knowing the next day I'll forget, since then I tell him I still remember what he said but he denies it wich makes it more obvious.

-So I was wondering if you wanted to go watch a movie-. Joshua and I have this tradition about watching movies every wednesday. I really wanted to go but I already had planes with Martijn.

-I can't, I already have plans-. I say sitting on my desk taking out my books.

-Oh really!?, What kind of plans??-.

I really didn't want to answer his question and I couldn't lie either, he would know I'm lieing. Before I could open my mouth the bell rings and everyone is now sitting in their sits wich means the teacher is now going to begin the class.

I'm not really paying attention, I'm just thinking on my "Drink" with Martijn. I don't even know why he said "Drink" we both know were going on a date but it's a simple one, No fancy dinner or nice clothing just a simple drink wich made it even more interesting, who would know that Martijn guy a bumped into yesterday would be so interesting. I liked it.

-Cindy, Can you say the answer of my question?.- Says my teacher. I was so into my thoughts I didn't know what class we were in, what time it was, what day it was, How was I going to know the answer to her question.

-Uhhh...... The first Civilization? -. I say confused. Of course everyone starts laughing making me look like I complete idiot.

-No, were talking about The periodic table, please pay attention-. I nod. Who the heck wants to know about Atoms, small particulers you can't see unless you use a microscope.

Sarah, my best friend who is sitting right next to me. Wait!? How on earth did she get here, How on earth did I not see her, I was so caught into my thoughts I didn't know she was here.

-Is someone distracted today? Odd huh?-. Says sarah turning to look at me.

-You know I hate Science-. I say rolling my eyes.

I hate Science, everyone here knows I do but I still pay attention and make an effort to get a good grade.


I bell has spoken, It was now time for Recess. I grab my lunch money and before I could get out my teacher was calling me.

-Cindy, Can you come here please-. I nod and turn my heels to face him.

-Cindy, You looked to distracted today, Is something wrong?-. He knows I'm a staright A student, but not in his class.

-No, I just think todays class was really boring-.

-Good to know-. He turns away meaning our conversation was over.

I walk out and see Joshua and Sarah waiting for me. We walk to our cafateria a look for an available table.

I Can Be SomebodyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora