Chapter 1

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 "Jade get up, you don't want to get another tardy!"

I groaned as I rolled over in bed. My mom has taken up being my alarm clock after she learned of my 3 tardies. I mean it's not my fault I'm not a morning person. I grab my phone as my daily routine, and check twitter. I notice something about the band One Direction, I honestly don't like their music i'm more into music with more meaning than boys and girls.

"Jade are you up?"

I groan, "Calm your tits women I'm up shouldn't you be at work anyways?"

My mom and me don't have the best relationship, but she is all I have left. My dad died 2 years ago in a car crash. It was difficult for everyone, my dad was the one people went to when they had a problem. He was just the perfect person to open up to. After he died I threw myself into school and spent more time alone than with people. I wouldn't have gotten through it all if it wasn't for my best friend Julia. She got me through everything, she introduced me to some cool people and brought me out of my shell a little.

I look at the clock I have 30 minutes till I have to leave for school. I grab my favorite ripped black jeans and a red whatever forever crop top and throw my hair in my signature messy bun. I don't need to put any makeup on since I already have an even skin tone. I grab my book bag and run downstairs, my mom has a bagel on the counter for me. I grab it and go out to my car, it's not a fancy car but it gets me places. I text Julia that I'm leaving my house now and will be there in 5 minutes. I always drive her to school since she wrecked her car. I pull in front of her house and honk my horn. She runs out of the door still pulling on one of her shoes.

"Come on we can't be late, my mom is on my back I can't get another tardy," I laugh as she almost falls over.

"I wouldn't laugh if I were you, my mom made those double chocolate brownies and she gave me extra for you."

"OMG, I love your mom!"

She rolled her eyes, her mom is always making me sweets and food. It has became a tradition for us. It is kind of a way to pay me for keeping her daughter out of trouble, but the thing is Julia has helped me too. I help her stay out of trouble and she helps me escape my demons and live in reality. I turn on the radio and immediately change it to a different station.

"Girl, you are the strangest person I know, every girl likes One Direction, they are like perfect."

"Julia, they are just not good to me, they sound like babies."

She looked at me like I had grown two heads, ever since they had came out three years ago. She always is talking about them and it drives me crazy, she goes crazy over the curly haired one. I think his name is Harold or something, I don't know maybe it's Harry. We pull into school, with 2 minutes to spare, that is like a record for us. We get out and go to find out other best friend Tyler. We met him when he moved here about 1 year ago and we have been the three musketeers ever since. I have noticed lately Tyler has been acting differently towards Julia, I think he likes her. The funny thing is she has liked him for 5 months. I really hope they work out.

"Hey, Sweet Cheeks!"

I laughed at the dumb nickname Julia had giving to Tyler, since he eats candy like he's going to die. It's funny really. He comes over and grabs Julia in a hug.

"You're going to pay for that babe."

She blushes as he he slowly lets go. I don't know why they just date already, it's obvious they like each other. He slings an arm over our shoulders and we walk into school. Julia and I walk into our first class. Tyler has to walk across the school to get to his class, so we bid each other goodbye. We find our seats in the back and go on our phones. I text my mom to let her know I won't be home right after school. Every Friday we go to a pizza place about 2 towns over. It's a hole in the wall and no one ever is there, I don't know how it stays open. Probably because we buy a lot of food. Suddenly my ear drums are busted out from Julia screaming.

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