Chapter 3

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We ended up staying at Loreen's way past closing time. I was surprised it wasn't awkward, but we actually had fun. I learned Niall really loved food, Zayn was a major ladies man, Liam was laid back but acted as their dad, Louis was like a little kid, and Harry I don't know what to say about Harry. He was crazy and funny and very adorable. We talked about their tour and how it's been being the famous boy band with posters in every girl's room.  I was surprised that they were all chill and didn't rely on their money to get them out of everything. The oldest was Louis, Zayn, Liam, and Niall were all the same age and Harry was the youngest. They all had tattoos except for Niall, he was kind of like the pure one. Julia actually looked relaxed as we played games and talked. We only left when the bodyguard Kenney came and told the boys they need to go back to their hotel. We exchanged numbers and went our separate ways. I told Julia about my mom's text on the way to my house, she knew I felt alone and that everyone I loved would leave me, because she is the only one that stayed. We watched a movie before passing out, but right before my eyes could shut my phone screen lit up with a text. I looked at the contact name and laughed. Harry had put his name in my phone as The Hottest Guy I know ;). We texted back and forth till I fell asleep. I woke to find a text right after I fell asleep saying, 'Goodnight beautiful x'. I blushed when I read it and smiled as I stretched to get up. I didn't see Julia but my house was not that big. I went to take a shower, smelling like a dog. Feeling refreshed, I got dressed in leggings and a over-sized sweater. Julia was eating cereal in the kitchen when I got there. I grabbed the box of Lucky Charms and poured myself a bowl. I have never really liked milk so I have always ate my cereal dry.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Julia winked at me. She has always woke up earlier than me so she had usually been up at least an hour before I wake up.

"Shut up, I stayed up later than you." Her eyebrows rose at this, making me blush.

"And Missy why did you stay up later than let's see 2 am?" I looked at my lap not wanting to admit I spent almost an hour texting Harry Styles.

She giggled already knowing my answer, she did spend basically the whole night wiggling her eyebrows at me. I sheepishly smiled at her.

"Ok ok I stayed up texting Harry, no nothing is happening, it was just friendly chatter."

She laughed, jumping up and down. I ate my cereal, ignoring her squeals. I mean I know it's not everyday you meet a famous boy band, and then end up staying up to text one. Life is crazy though.

"OMG I knew it, I told you it was fate, now you are going to end up with Harry Styles and live happily ever after as Mrs. Harry Styles. OMG can I can be your bridesmaid, wait of course I will be, can I plan it..."

"Julia just stop and breathe I won't be marrying Harry Styles, number one we aren't even friends, number two I don't like him he is just an arrogant famous person, nothing could, scratch that would ever happen."

Her jaw dropped open in shock.

"I cannot believe you just said that, you are like the only person that would turn down one of the hottest guys in america, scratch that the world!"

I shrugged, I couldn't argue that he was hot but I would rather have someone that doesn't have a record for breaking girls hearts while having cds saying what all girls want to hear. I'd rather have someone who doesn't tell me what I want to hear, but what I need to hear. The only person that I love that hasn't left is Julia, my dad left, my mom is drifting away, I feel alone and empty but Julia fills that void.

Oh I forgot Niall texted me and before you say something you have to go, he invited us to hang out at their hotel for the day. She had a face splitting smile on her face and I knew she wouldnt go if I said no. I threw up my hands,

Fine Ill go, but girl you owe me big time, Im thinking a lifetime supply of sour gummy worms. She laughed at me but shook her head yes. Sour gummy worms are my favorite candy, I used to eat them all the time then I grew up and had to pay for stuff with my own money. Ugh I really wish I had money, I really wish i had a job.

Were leaving in 10 minutes by the way! I gasped, I had dressed to stay at home not to hang out with a famous boy band. I changed my sweater for a One Direction shirt I had got at a concert with Julia. I had added my own touch to it though, I added something for me. Lets just say it shows my dislike for the band. I put on a sweatshirt because I knew if Julia would see it she would make me change. I brushed my teeth and skipped downstairs. Looked like I was right on time because it looked like a limo was in front of my house.

Jade, the limos here! Julia yelled.

I punched her arm as I walked past her to get my purse.

Girl I am right here and I am not deaf, but I might be now. You really need a volume button.

She pouted but flounced out of the door heading to the limo. I locked the door, and squealed. I know it was cheesy but I couldn't help it, they had sent a white stretch limo. We giggled and talked while munching on the food that was in the mini bar, we even stuck our heads out of the roof until the driver told us to get back in the car. Soon we pulled up to the four seasons, we could see groups of girls hanging out in front with their cameras open. We drove to the back and were escorted through the kitchen. I looked at Julia and smiled, we had never been treated like this. The boys were in the penthouse lounging around on a couch playing some video game. They didn't notice us at first because they were too busy yelling at the game. I stood there and took the chance to examine Harry, his curly hair and dimples were adorable. I shook my head trying to get the thought out, I do not need to be liking some famous guy. No matter how cute he is.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2018 ⏰

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