Re make of chapter 1

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I kinda wanted to change it a bit
So ya XD I just couldn't think of how to continue it

Aphmau's POV

I wake up one morning feeling sick, I run to the bathroom and throw up. A few minuets later Zoey knocks on the bathroom door "Aphmau are you ok" "y ya just not feeling to well" I say as she walks in "what's the matter" "I just feel sick like throwing up sick" "anything else" she asks, I shake me head no "hmm I think I might know what's wrong" she says and hands me a potion "drink that and we'll know weather or not what I think is true" I drink it and a few seconds later a paper appears in the air and it says "congratulations your pregnant and it's a girl!!" "IM PREGNANT" "Congrats Aphmau"  I'm pregnant... YAY "YAY" I yell excitedly

✨✨a few months later✨✨

I'm on my way to see Dr.Doctor to see who the father is...I really hope it's not who I think it is "so aph why are we going to see Dr.Doctor" Dante says "oh umm just a check up that's all heh" I lie, no one but Zoey and I know about me being pregnant "Aph what's the real reason" "promise not to tell anyone?" "Ok I promise but what is it" "I'm pregnant" "WAIT WHAT?! WHO'S THE FATHER?!" "I don't know yet that's why we're going to see Dr.Doctor" we soon reach Dr.Doctor's office and he does the check up thingy for the baby "so who's the father" I ask once he finishes the tests "one second...the father is Zane Ro'meave" "w what? No..." no i can't believe it was actually him! I was hoping that I wasn't but it is "t thank you, anything else I should know" "nope that's it other than it being a girl which you already know" I nod my head and thank him. I head out back to the ship with Dante in silence, once we get back to the ship Dante asks "so who's the father" "z Zane..." "WAIT WHAT?!" We soon get back to Phoenix drop and I see an Oh'kasis ship. Garroth and Laurence are talking to a girl with blue hair, as I walk closer I hear the girl say "please may I speak with your lord" "hello, and who might this be" "I am sorry miss but that is only for the lord to know" she says "well I am the lord" "oh my apology lord..." "Aphmau" "hello lord Aphmau, I am katelyn fire fist of the jury of nine" Jury of nine? d does Zane know? I hope not "well why are you here" "can we talk in private? without our guards?" "NO NOT HAPPENING" Garroth and Laurence yell "yes follow me we can talk in my home" "APHMAU" I lead Katelyn to my house and make us some tea "so why is it that your here" I ask as I pour our tea "well I wanted to ask if I dock here for a little to get a few supplies" "yes that's fine but why would you want to talk in private about this..." "there's one more thing, I can see that your pregnant but I am pretty sure you do not have a husband let alone a boyfriend it may not be my business but who is the father? by any chance is it Zane?" "H How did you know" "oh I saw him and you sneak away from the party when we came here, so I just assumed" "... d does he know" "no, would you like me to tell him? or should you? because he does have a right to know even if he is evil" "I want him out of the babies life! I do not want her to turn like him" "yes I wouldn't want another Zane" "Wait but you work for him don't you like him" "no I only work for him because I have no choice, but anyways he needs to know" "alright you can tell him, but tell him that he stays out of the babies life, but if he wants to he can name her, but if it's to evil of a name then I'm making it Annabel" "ok I will tell him once I get back and thank you for the tea" she says getting up and leaving

Zane's POV

I hear someone enter my office and say "high priest Zane" "yes lady Katelyn, what is it" "I have a message from lady Aphmau of Phoenix Drop"  "and why were you in Phoenix Drop" "my ship was in need of repairs and supplies" "alright so what is this message" "lord Aphmau is pregnant..." "why is that of any use to me" actually maybe I could use that against her and her village "because your the father" "w wait what" how could I be the father!? W wait that night at the party... "she said to tell you that you are to stay out of the babies life you can only name her, but if it's a evil a name she's making it Annabel" Annabel is quite a nice name but I want to have a small part in the babies life... what should I name her? Hmm...aha I got it "Blue" "what" "Blue, Thats What I want to name her, Blue" "alright I will head to Phoenix Drop to tell her" Katelyn says starting to head out the door "wait, I want to at least see the baby" "I'm sorry sir but she said all you get to do is name the baby and that's it nothing else not even seeing her" maybe I can make a deal with Lady Aphmau so I can at least see Blue once...wait why do I even care? I'm evil I don't have a heart... or do I (does Zane of a heart?!?! XD reference to one of my other books) "I'm coming with you lady Katelyn" "but sir" "no buts, we leave later today" "yes sir, but she won't be happy to see you..." Katelyn says as she leaves.

✨✨when Zane and Katelyn reach Phoenix Drop✨✨

"Lady Katelyn?" "Hello lady Aphmau" Katelyn says going to the shore to meet lady Aphmau "he's here" "who" "Why hello lady Aphmau" I say trying to sound nice "Zane" she says angrily "what are you doing here" "I came to tell you the name that I chose and to ask you something" "fine follow me" she says walking to her house, lady Katelyn and I follow "High priest Zane don't even think about hurting her" Katelyn whispers to me "I'm not don't worry" I whisper back. We sit at Aphmau's table and she pours us some tea "thank you" "what is the name you chose" she asks sitting down "Blue" "Blue? As in the color?" "Yes" "alright Blue it is, so what's the other thing" "I I want to be able to see the baby, at least just once" "no out of the question" "please Lady Aphmau, just once" "why do you even care!? You probably just want to take her and then her evil like you!" "That would be a good plan if I wasn't the father of that child, but I just want to see her that's all nothing more" "no, and it's not for discussion! You are to stay out of the babies life! I do not want her to become evil!" Aphmau says "alright" I sigh "well we should be going, thank you lady Aphmau for at least letting me name her" I say "I'll walk you back to your ship seeing as everyone here wants your head" were walking back to my ship when Aphmau suddenly stops and holds her stomach in pain "What's wrong lady Aphmau" Katelyn asks worriedly "t the baby...coming" t the baby "bring her to the ship we need to get her to a doctor" I say, Katelyn helps Aphmau on to our ship, I go tell the driver to go to Dr.Doctor, I go back to Aphmau and see Katelyn trying to calm her down "how's she doing" "when are we getting to Dr.Doctor" Katelyn asks "a few minuets"

✨✨after Aphmau gives birth✨✨

I'm waiting outside, just so I can know the babies ok and everything, and katelyns helping Aphmau "are you Zane" "yes why" "Miss Aphmau would like to see you" "alright..." I follow the person to Aphmau's hospital room and see that's she's hold a baby wrapped in a ice blue blanket, I thought it was meant to be a girl "y you wanted to see me Lady Aphmau" "since your here you might as well get to hold Blue" "r really" I say shocked "yes, now come hold her before I change my mind" I quickly walk over to her and she hands me Blue, once she's in my arms she reaches her tiny little hand up to me. I smile underneath my mask "are you actually smiling Zane" Aphmau says giggling "what nooo" "heh you would actually make a good father, well if you weren't evil that is" "heh thanks, I think" I say, a little bit later Blue starts to cry "oh umm Aphmau what do I do? I don't know how to take care of a crying baby" I say worriedly "here hand her to me" she says and I gently hand blue to her, once Blue stops crying "well I guess I should be going..." I say sighing, I start to leave when Aphmau says "Zane, when Blue gets older I'll tell her about you and maybe then she can see you" "thank you Aphmau"

**Several days later**

ok I just want to see Blue one last time, It's night right now and I'm sneaking into Aphmau's house. I sneak in through the window to Blue's nursery, I walk over to her crib to see her awake looking straight at me "hi Blue" I whisper gently picking her up, she's shivering a bit. I take off my mask scarf and put it on her. I hear someone coming so I gently put Blue back in her crib and sneak out the window just as the door opens. I look through the window and see Aphmau pick Blue up "where did you get that mask scarf, it looks like Zane's..." Aphmau says "I'm sorry Blue that you have to grow up without a father but maybe someday you'll get to see him" she walks toward the window I'm at and I move to the other side of the house to make sure she doesn't see me "Zane I know your there come out" I come around the corner to the window "heh hi" I say putting my spare mask scarf on "Zane what are you doing here" "I know I'm meant to stay out of her life I just wanted to see her one last time" "and you gave her your mask scarf" "she was cold so ya..." "alright" "well I should get going it's starting to become day and I don't want to be seen" "Bye Zane" "Bye Aphmau, take care of Blue" "I will"

hope you enjoyed

see ya

my lil


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