Chapter 21: Part 1

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Dinah's POV

"Dinah Jane, I seriously doubt that Siope's cheating on you." Lauren told me as we sat down at a table in Yogurt Mountain.

"But what if he is?" I whined, stabbing my spoon into my yogurt.

Ally rolled her eyes. "He's not."

"And how would you know that?"

"Why would you think he would cheat on you?"

"Because..." I sighed. "I don't know...he's been acting...distant, and he keeps getting these phone calls..."

"From who?" Normani asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know. That's the problem."

"I bet it was nothing." Camila reassured me.

"I just...I really like him...and I don't want to have to leave him because he's unfaithful..."

"I'll be okay, CheeChee."

Normani looked at her like she was crazy. "CheeChee?"

"Um, excuse me, you call Ally 'Allycat' and I'm the crazy one?"

"At least my nickname is in English!"

"Hey, hey, hey, ladies, ladies..." Lauren raised her voice so she could be heard over the bickering. "Can we just focus on Dinah right now?" Camila and Normani stared down at their yogurt and nodded. "Okay, when did he start acting like this?"

I thought for a moment, putting another spoonful if yogurt in my mouth and twirling the utensil with my fingers. "A couple days ago..."

"So he's been distant, taking unknown phone calls, what else?" She prompted.

"Well, when we do talk, he doesn't say much. They're usually just, like, one-word answers."

"Guys do that in real life too? I thought that was only in texting..." Lauren laughed, covering her mouth with her hand so she wouldn't spit out her yogurt, at Camila's oblivious comment.

"Hey, there's a football player at the door, but I'm pretty sure its not Siope."

I turned to see who Ally was talking about. He was wearing a jersey with the number 19 on it, which, I'm guessing, is how she could tell he played football. The wardrobe confused me, though: they didn't have a game today. His eyes scanned the resturaunt until they landed on me. He walked over with a nervous bounce in his step. "You Dinah?" I nodded slowly. "Come with me." I raised an eyebrow at him. Did he really think I would leave with him if I didn't even know who he was? "I won't hurt you, I promise. Siope would kill me if I did." He mumbled that last part, but I heard him.

I glanced at the other girls who still looked hesitant. "I don't know..."

"Come on, please?" he begged. "I have specific orders to take you down to the football field.

"From who?"

"It's a secret."



"Because what?"

"Dinah just go." Normani waved me away dismissively.

"Okay..." I glanced back at the girls one last time before I walked out with the other guy.

"Remember the 911 number." Camila called after me. "It'll help." Lauren looked at her like she was crazy before they both burst out laughing.

Camila's POV

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