"Welcome to chaøs" #1

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~. ~. ~. ~. ~.
chaos is an angel who fell in
                 with a demon
~. ~. ~. ~. ~.

-Christopher Poindexter


Owen's P.O.V

Everything looked black and blue as the sweaty bodies danced almost stuck to one another. The music was passing through my sensitive earlobes making them slightly hurt. The people here looked foreign, different. Like they knew things i didn't, showing me their sensual kissing and moving around the dance floor.

I walked through them, suddenly feeling the urge to take some fresh air. The problem was, would I find the exit to this huge place?

I grabbed the slender looking boy who was holding two dark red drinks on his hands startling him.
"Sorry, but could you tell me where the exit is?"

The boy narrowed his dark green eyes at me and glared "Why the hell are you even allowed here?! There's no exit till the morning!" He answered as he pushed me back and walked away without giving me a second glance.

What was his problem?! I wondered in my mind frustrated.

Ok, so there isn't exit till morning. Makes great sense!

Well, I really didn't thought that things could go worse after I lost Angela and Shelby in the huge crowd but yep.

They fucking could.

I touched the crimson red wall with my hand, trying to support my now tired legs. After some minutes of resting I sighed more of a annoyance than exhaustion and started searching for a rather 'friendly' human being to show me the way to the toilet.

A guy with long ocean blue hair, pierced lips, ears, nose, eyebrows and....tongue.

Nope. Not today.

A woman with long legs...Well, her dress makes them look longer than necessary. A bulky black guy with an eyepatch to his right eye is standing rather close to her.

Now, we don't want to make him misunderstand, do we?

I decided to walk around randomly by myself. When i finally found a small passage, after all this sea of bodies that made my plan difficult to succeed, i started moving while touching it in order not to get lost.

'Why are you even allowed here?! There's no exit till the morning!' The words the boy's mouth left, kept replaying again and again to my head. What exactly did he mean? How could even be possible not to be any exits till morning and wasn't that illegal anyways?!

I felt a someone touching my back so turned around so fast that I stumbled and fell on my butt making me groan from pain.
The person was a tall guy, around six foot four and had a skinny but well defined body. His hair was bright red, making his grey eyes stand out more.
He smirked and offered me his hand for help
"Well,aren't you just adorable? Lost?"

Adorable? Me?! A six foot one male gorilla?! Well, ok, not exactly gorilla but I'm in my school's rugby team!

"The second" I said with my manliest voice as I grabbed his hand and got up.

"Hmm, shall i help you then?" Said the man with a chuckle. It seemed like he was talking to himself.
He put his arm around my waist and started walking without a warning so i almost fell again 'till he grabbed me back up.
"You're quite clumsy, i must say"

"And you're quite nosy" I answered back with a slight pink on my cheeks.

He seemed surprised and asked " Really? And in what way am i nosy?"


"Well, nosy wasn't exactly the right word. Blunt, suits you better" I said with my voice getting back to a soft boyish tone.

"That would be me. But i still would prefer 'honest' " he said as he grinned widely, showing off his white, somehow sharp teeth.
"Sadly we should end this interesting conversation for another time, and show you the way to the toilet"

I managed to get off his tight grip on my waist. He chuckled and started walking while waving me to follow him. After some seconds of walking, we surprisingly got there making wonder how stupid i was not to find it when I've been searching for almost half an hour...

It was a big, dark green door with a strange circular handle. I opened the door and I gasped with the sight. The "W.C" was actually ten times bigger than my whole house. The walls looked like they were made of crystal while the Mirrors were in full-body size. In the middle of the room they were small doors in order, probably the toilets.

Due to all this awesomeness of this place I didn't even realize the clicking sound of the door closing. I turned my head towards the source.

The redhead guy was freaking glaring at me, not with anger either hate.

He looked at me the way I look at pizzas.

With hunger.

"Wh-what?" I asked with my fucking voice stuttering.

He licked his lips.

"Now now, wouldn't you think I'm quite rude if I didn't give you a warm welcome little human?" He said as he started walking towards me with a smile that showed his shark like teeth.

I was simply speechless! Of course I had seen things like him before.......but only on 'supernatural'!

I made the question that every protagonist on every thriller that I used to mock made;
"What are you?!"

He smiled with his mouth closed thankfully.
"I'm a vampire" He answered while coming closer to me

"Welcome to Chaos"

1 second before I freak out







I'm soooo sorry guys I didn't update even though I said that I would, but sadly I was quite tortured with my studies T - T

From now on I will update as soon as I can and I promise that the story will get interesting from the next chapter who will be much much bigger and you'll learn about the protagonist, how he got there and everything!
I'll try my best! >~<

Lot's of kisses Lydia

(The dude in the picture above is Owen)

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