''Underworld auction'' #3 (part 1)

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~. ~. ~. ~. ~. 

On my body, the grace of


and in my heart: all Hells, an

Ink Jar

~. ~. ~. ~. ~.  

 Not edited

I widened my eyes at the threatening-looking man right before me. He was getting step by step closer to me and his eyes made him seem feral, like an animal.

I would have sworn he had grew almost a feet taller too, but on the other hand, fear always made things seem more complicated. 

Was he using some kind of special effects? I was actually waiting patiently for a cameraman to show up and tell me this is a prank. Yep, that was it. It was definitely a prank.

''This is not funny  at all man. Get a life'' I yelled, feeling kinda ashamed that my fear was completely showing off. I had to admit that he was a damn good actor.

''Do not speak another word human. I have had enough of our little game but sadly, time's out '' He demanded with a rather intimidating tone in his voice. 

''Oh, come on i already know this is a prank''

I gathered all of my courage and walked towards him, my hand aiming at his shoulder for a friendly gesture. But his manner was rather unfriendly when he caught my hand before i even touch him, tightening his hold on it so hard that i almost felt my bones breaking.

I fell down on my knees, groaning in pain and clenching my teeth but his grasp didn't stop tightening a bit. ''You will learn to listen to your greaters human. I was being lenient because it's useful to lure scatterbrains such as yourself in my trap and that was it. Don't get too full of yourself''He spat with venom in his voice.

I was in so much pain that i didn't notice when the door suddenly opened, revealing a tall figure of a man dressed in a black cloak. When i tried to steal a glance of his face i felt cold sweat running on my body. He was blank. There was no eyes, nose, mouth or anything. Just an empty, white shape of a face. Even for a mask it was quite realistic.

''Did you catch the other three?'' Asked the redhead man who was still holding me.

The strange, dark figure silently nodded.

''Perfect. You can proceed to the auction with the girl and him. Move the other two boys in the blood prisons'' He ordered with his eyes locked on mine.

  ''I was actually hoping to ruin you myself but your body's quite precious to waste.'' He said, showing me his deviant smile. 

The figure nodded again. It's scrawny hands wrapped around my shoulders tightly, sending weird tremors on my whole body while guiding me outside the bathroom.

We walked to what seemed like hours between the dancing crowd of people that didn't seem to give a damn about the situation. I tried to scream, but my voice was strangely stuck.

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