Chapter 14:Memories

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Luna Isaac
530 years ago

One last round and I am done. And to clarify I am a guy. I am call Luna because my mate Isabel was next in line to be Alfa for the Wicca wolf pack.

Today I was doing a couple of rounds around the boarder of the pack. It's a protective system I have develop since five years ago my baby girl was born. And the moon goddess herself told us she was meant to do great things in her future. And that she was going to be very powerful. But she also was in great danger.

On my last round I heard a sound of a baby crying and someone sobbing but it wasn't from the pack. I raced in that direction and I saw it a boy with black hair and piercing blue eyes that couldn't have more than five years carrying a newborn baby girl with golden hair starting to grow and white as porcelain. For some reason I felted a lot of power coming from him even more than Isabel's and mine and we are the strongest pack. Anyway the important thing is the kids.

I ran towards them and slowly got on my knees besides them and my father instincts kicked in and I could tell they haven't eaten in days and I smelled blood. I used the most soothing voice and I started talking.

"Hey what's your name"

The only thing the kid did was ran towards me and climb to my lap still holding the baby girl and started crying. I picked him up took the girl into one arm and him in the other and while trying to soothe them down I walk towards the pack house doctor.

"Everything is going to be alright "

He then started nuzzling in my neck taking deep breaths and I knew that it meant that he was forming a bond and if I broke it he will probably die and even the baby being so young started nuzzling into my chest.

I had already contacted the doctor he was already waiting for us. When we got there and he tried to take the kids to start examination the boy cling harder to me and the baby started crying so he checked them the best he could while I was still holding them.

He said the boy had some scrapes in his arms and legs but where healing very fast for his age. He also had old scars sings of previos fisical abuse everywhere. And was dehydrated and had bad nourishment, but the baby only had bad nourishment she wasn't fiscally abused. And I learned that the girl had a month old. Who would abandon two pups in the world to fend for them selfs. And who could be so cruel too harm a kid while the doctor was checking him I saw those injuries and they weren't injuries a kid will do him self while playing. Most of the wounds were on his back and brusies on his chest. Theres nothing I hate more than child abuse and if I get my hands on them I am going to kill them, tear them to pieces.

How do I tell this to Isabel I know she won't reject them specially when they have already started to bond with me. And no one will take them from me. There mine I can feel there bond and now there as much as mine as my baby Alexa. There mine, mine to me.

"Hey can you tell me your name "

I asked while walking home to see if I have to give them names.

"Dylan, are you our papa?"
I laugh softly so cute he was asking if I was there dad

"Yes I am your papa and you're going to meet someone that's going to be your mama and a sister that has your same age ok"

"Ok papa"

"What's the name of your baby sister "

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