Chapter 35

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Alfie's P.O.V

That was it. There was no hope in finding Nala. I slumped down onto the sofa. Almost a week of searching but still nothing. Just as I thought it was all over, a familiar scratching and the jumble of keys could be heard from outside the door. Could I just be imagining it in my hope? Rushing from my seat, I ran towards the front door. The door opened a crack and a tiny, black pug came running in. Straight to me, unable to contain her excitement and nor could I.

After I'd finished fussing over Nala, I looked up to see a smiling, but slightly sad Mark. I had so many questions. I ushered him inside and picked up Nala.

Before I asked anything, I called Zoe down from her office; at the top of the house. It filled me with joy as I watched her face light up when she saw Nala. She squealed and sprinted down the stairs.

""But how?! I don't understand!" she said, cuddling Nala to her chest.

Mark's P.O.V

We settled down in the cosy room, Nala cuddled up asleep on Zoe's lap; Zoe looking devotedly down at her. I explained everything. Their faces filled with confusion and sadness. I felt as though I was going to cry. My girlfriend had stolen my best friend's dog and was now bullying her and myself over text. Zoe leaned over and gave me a hug.
"I'm so sorry, Mark," She said as Alfie patted my back.
"It's okay, it's not your fault. It's my fault for being pulled into her trap in the first place." I covered my face with my hands, willing myself not to cry.

Zoe's P.O.V

The boys left the room and I looked down at the little puppy in my lap. It couldn't have been Mia. I couldn't imagine her doing it. I needed to take my mind of things so I opened Facebook. It was quite an old social media so you could find out a lot about a persons life from a long time ago. I refreshed a status from Mia popped up.

What did I do to deserve this?

I felt more confident about my thoughts after I saw that sentence. I clicked on her profile, without thinking and scrolled down to near the bottom.

Hurry up and get home. I need a word with you.

My screen was filled with swear words and hate. My body filled with sorrow for the poor girl. I scrolled down further through the messages sent publicly to Mia and her sincere apologies as answers. She hadn't done anything wrong though.

I'm going to get revenge on you. Some how, now that this relationship is over...

It all made my hunch clearer. I clicked onto this 'Ryan' person's page. His newest update, from yesterday, stated:

Revenge is sweet.

That was it.

Three Way Love Affair / A Zoe Sugg, Mark Ferris and Alfie Deyes fanficton Where stories live. Discover now