The lovliness of Life

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HeyyI wrote this so that people who are having a bad time (or not)  hope you can find happiness in this story and if you don't I know you'll find it somewhere. And plzzz don't forget to comment and vote or something... Plzzzzzzzthatwould cheer me up in so many ways cause my life ain't that good either. That's actually what got me to write this soo anyways here's my story!!!!!!

Chapter one

Evans Point of view

Today i woke up and saw that my brother was hovering over me, i knew I felt someones presence. "Get up lazy head, I'm making breakfast." Dom said. His full name was Domanic, He head dirty blond hair same as me but i had bright green eyes and he had darker blue eyes. He had muscles and every girl i talked to has said that he was HOT.  Dom loved to tease me but i didn't care unless it got mean. And sometimes it did, but I put him in his place. he cooks breakfast every morning because i refused to eat any one else's. I'm sixteen and my brothers twenty. I trotted down stairs when I saw a blond bimbo standing in the door way. "Who's she?" I Asked slightly rude. "She's just a friend Evie now go eat your breakfast and get ready." Dom said with a disappointed look in his eyes but i just smirked and said "I would if there was some breakfast." He looked at me with a 'are you serious you just said that to me' look. He said come in to the stupid blond twirling her hair. That proves she's stupid. "Earth to Evan." Dom saidwhile wavinghis hand in front of my face. I shook my head clearing all the thoughts and said "Huh... what?" I looked at him with a tired and innocent look in my eyes and on my face. "I said this is Haley. Be nice to her." He said in a slow retarded way.  I looked into his eyes and saw that they were blank and i just went with it and said "Fine I'll be nice-" He cut me off. "Goo-" Then i simply cut him off. "I'm not finished." I said crossing my arms over my chest and tapping my foot impatiently. "Fine go ahead." He said

"Thank you" I started. "I'll be nice ONLY if she stays away from MY brother!!!" And when i was done so was the breakfast so i got a plate and started eating not even paying attention to there hangingjaws in awe of what i just said. The only reason they were is because I never mouthed off like that. "Okay!!!" She said happily. HAPPILY WHY HAPPILY???? I just ignored nodding my head at her. By then i was done eatingbreakfast and was trotting back up the stairs. I went up to my room where i was greeted by my stuffed animals. i opened my closet and picked out what to wear. I put my clothes on goingdown stairs I said. More like asked. "Is mom and dad here." I asked hoppingthey were but i was disappointed when i herd another disappointed voice answering my question. "No but they left a card saying that on your way home to pick up milk, mix, O.J., and a few more things." he said handing me the list I read it on the way out the door and saying "Ok thanks see you when i get home." "Ok see ya then." He replied.

Brian's point of view

 This morning i woke up to my little sister jumping on my bed. "Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up. COME ON BRIAN YOU HAVE TO MAKE BREAKFAST." She said pullingme out the door. But when I saw what time it was I had to go, I over slept. "No I can't I over slept, I have to get ready. I have to I'm sorry get mom and dad to make breakfast for you I don't have time. I'm sorry." I said while running up the stairs back to my room. I oppened the door and went to my closet. I picked out some close and got changed. I have brown hair (short brown hair) I have blue eyes and my llittle sister has black hair and brown eyes, shes four years old and I'm seventeen.

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