Chapter Two-Movie Night

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Chapter Two

 Dom's POV

When Evie left the blond stayed with me. I didn't like her, she kept asking my friends where I lived, and they said "I don't know, sorry." But one of my stupid friends told her. So she came over and i only invited her in because she said she wanted to ask me a question. So she asked me the question and you know what it was. "Will you go out with me." She sounded desperate. So I said "Of course... NOT. Sorry but no. Good bye." I said walking to the door and letting her out and shutting it and letting out a sigh of relief.

Jeez that girl is so obsessive. I felt bad for Evan so I called her and of course she didn't answer because she's probably still mad at me even though it's 1:00p.m. WAIT WHAT. IT"S 1:00p.m. Wow where does the time go. So i decided to got to her school to apologize. "Hey Evie." I yelled to her. "Dom? What are you doing here?" She asked me in a surprised way. "I came to apologize, for this morning." I said in a disappointed tone "It's okay, I figured you didn't like her anyways."

"Your right I didn't like her, too pushy and desperate. I don't like it when girls throw themselves at me. It really annoys me. So when you get home from school do you want to watch a movie? I'll go pick up some." I said wryly that she would say no. I know I pick on my sister but that means that I love her too much to show in a loving way. "Oh.. sure of course."  She said and I was happy so I gave her a kiss on the head and a quick quick hug. "okay I'm gonna go pick up some movies, and I'll see you at home in a few hours?."

"okay." She said and I left I got to the movie store and got some movies, went home, put a movie in, and went up to my room and took a nap, no sooner did I fall asleep the door opened and slammed and I heard foot steps running upstairs.

Evans POV

I opened the door and slammed the door and went up to Dom's room, I opened the door and saw that he was napping. So I jumped on his bed and kept jumping and saying. "WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP. PLEASE I WANT TO WATCH A MOVIE. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE."  I said STILL jumping on the bed. "I'M AWAKE. GET OFF EVAN. H yelled and I stopped and got off his bed. "Good cause we have to watch a movie. Oh yeah what movie is it?" I asked. "You'll see, now lets go to the T.V. room and watch "the movie". Ok?" He said. "Ok" We went down stairs and plopped on the couch and he got up made some popcorn got sodas and plopped back down on the couch. We played the movie and started watching it. And it was 'Shark Night' so we'll see how it turns out? Well it was okay. But when we were ha;f way through someone knocked on my door, so I got up and answered it. "Hello"

"Hey Eva." The only person that calls me that is Brian. "Hey Liam. What do you want." I said kinda slowly in a re-tarted way kinda like Dom does when he talks to me sometimes. "I was bored so I decided to see what you were doing. So... whatch ya doin?"

"Watching a movie. So I can't really talk right now. So can I call you later?"

"Oh.. Yeah of course I'll talk to later than."

"Yeah I'll call you when I'm done with the movie."

"okay... bye."

"Bye." He left and I shut the door and ran back over to where Dom was and plopped on the couch next to him. When we were done I found my self laying down. When I opened my eyes Dom was no where to be found so i got kind of mad. I got off the couch and went in the kitchen and he wasn't there either, then I went up stairs and looked in my room, not there, looked in the bathroom, not there,looked in his room finally. I wish but no, NOT THERE. Errrrrrrrg where is he, then I heard the door open and shut and I trotted down stairs wryly and saw Dom

"FOOOOOD" I screamed. Dom chuckled at me and I started eating like there was no tomorrow. "Whoa slow down Evie, or you're gonna eat the whole plate too." He said chuckling. "No I'm not."

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