Chapter Three - Do I really love him, Part - 1

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Chapter Three - Do I really love him

Evans' POV

When he kissed me my first reaction was to pull away and slap him across the face, but I quickly changed my mind, because, well, maybe I like him back. I kissed him back, passionately. I pulled away first. "I'm, I-I-I I'm, I'm, glad."

"Glad? What about?"

"That you did that." I said and I immediately regret saying that because I felt scarlet red.

"Me too." Then he kissed me again, but for a shorter period of time. "Should we tell them?" He asked wryly. "No, probably not." I said shyly. I felt bad, not telling them the truth, ya know, because they're my best friends. All of them. "You should probably go in side, Dom will start to worry. We don't want that, now do we, my little Eva?" There ho goes again calling me 'his little Eva'. I love it though.

Brian's POV

I can't believe I just kissed Evan. WHOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dang though I think she might be a better kisser than me. No, never. Than she blushed when she said she was glad we had kissed... YAYYY!!!!! Then I told her she should get inside before Dom starts to worry, WHY did I do that, I wanted to kiss her more, like make out. But the right thing to do is get her back home before Dom starts to worry.

Evan's POV

"Yeah your right." I said getting out of the car and sticking my through the window

"I know I'm right, cause I'm always right." He said leaning over so he could see me more.

"Enough with the cocky crap already Brian." I said in a joking way.

"Fine, but I have to protect my pride, and my ego."

"Again enough wit-"

"I get it." He said interrupting me, then I stuck my head in further as he leaned in further and we kissed, again. I pulled away. "Thanks for the ride home, looser."

"Fine you don't get any more rides, or kisses." He called smirking at me and leaning out the drivers window. I ran back over to him. "Thanks for the ride your the bestestest." Then I kissed him on the lips briefly. "Thanks, see you tomorrow. And your welcome." He called as I stepped on the Door step. And I waved back to him. I got inside shut the door and slid down slow and screamed, man I am so excited to see him tomorrow.

"Get up babe." He said and kissed me on the cheek. Wait so were together now, right? "NOOOOoooooooo!!!!"




"I don't want to."

"Well Too bad, so sad." Then he kissed me on the lips.

"Briiiiiiiiiiiiiaaannnnnnnnn." SHOOT! That came out WAY wrong. It was suppose to be a yell but instead it came out as a moan. Dang it! "Ooooooooooh." Brian said as he started kissing down my jaw line then to my neck and then I pushed him and got out of bed. "Jeez, your strong, woman!"

"I know. I'm stronger than you even." I giggled. "Ahhhhhhhh!" I screamed when he lifted me up and through me over his shoulder. "Who's so strong now? Huh?"  A Giggle escaped from his lips and I could tell he was really happy. "Put me down you looser." He dropped me on the floor! "Owwwww!!!!!"

"You deserved it for calling me a looser."

"Oh, how can I make it up to you my master?" I said  jokingly as I was standing up.

"You realllllly wanna know how?" He asked in a seductive way. Oh no.

"Oh no. What do you mean by that?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2012 ⏰

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