Chapter 14

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"Okay, so we are going to meet up with Elijah and Katherine tomorrow in New Orleans-" before he continued I cut with off with a scoff.

"We're going back to that Hell Hole?" He rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"That 'Hell Hole' is where we discovered we were mates and where maybe we can raise our kids." He mumbled the last part, but I still heard.

"I mean, Marcellus is dead. Thank gods! He kidnapped you! And I actually did enjoy it there......" I wasn't making any decisions right now, I need this girl out of me.

"Then where we going tonight?" Elena asks from the backseat.

"Ah, good question love, tonight, we are going back to one of my favorite places in America." I furrowed my eyebrows at Klaus.

I thought his favorite place was and I quote, 'good ole New Orleans!'

"On the contraire my love, it is. But, there's only one more place that can fill the satisfaction." He looked back at Damon who was smirking at him.

"A college. And tonight just happens to be a party night. My bad." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Oh by the way Katherine is taking care of our kids. Have fun!" Him and Damon jumped out of the car and I quickly took control of the wheel.

They took my damn kids so I couldn't say goodbye! Dammit.

The car slowly came to a stop and I growled and stepped out of the car, keys in hand.

"You know, this is Elijah's car, so I don't think Klaus would mind if we tipped it over a bridge and into the water." I inquired and Elena gave me a look.

"Fine. Let's just leave it here, and go find a bar. I'm so glad I'm not pregnant anymore." She chuckled and followed me to a bar.

Walking in, I noticed two very similar people.

"Elijah?" He returned the smile and handed me my kids.

"I knew you wouldn't want to travel to New Orleans, but you would for your kids. So, I brought them here." I kissed Elijah's cheek and turned around to see Katherine.

"Nice outfit. Don't you think it's a little, oh I don't know. Salvatorey." I narrowed my eyes at her, what is she trying to do?

"I mean, you wore that on one of your dates with Damon. The old Damon of course. Elena's changed him. For the better I suppose. You do realize, that the old Damon, could just do happen to fall for the new Electrica?" I stuck my hand into Katherine's chest, gripping her heart as she tries to take my hand out.

"The old Damon and the new one, still have some things in common. Especially the fact, that he would never, ever, interfere with someone's life that he's selfless for. You an I both know this." Elena and Elijah just watched us, on edge for in case anything happened.

"I'm a mother Katherine, and I know I've only been a mother for a few weeks, but I've mothered Jeremy and Elena enough to be protective of my kids." I pushed her down and walked out of there. My head in my hands.

"Ella darling what just happened back there?" Elijah questioned as he rushed out after me.

"I don't know. Sure I've been one to fight for what's right and not let anyone tell me otherwise, but I've never done anything like that!" I'm going crazy. I'm slowly losing all my sanity left in me.

Elijah took a seat next to me and I looked into his eyes.

"Let me see your hand." I gave him my hand and he flipped it over, feeling for a pulse I'm guessing.

"There's barely a pulse." He muttered, I could barely hear him.

"Ella, you died." I looked at him confused.

"What? No. I didn't die. I'm a werewitch and I'm alive." He looked away.

"You had Klaus' blood in your system. Have you done any magic since you've awoken?" I shook my head but decided to try.

Elijah grabbed his head in pain and I smiled to myself. Stopping before he was seriously hurt.

"Go hybrid." I did and he sighed.

"When we get her out of you, we are defiantly doing some test. If anything, I think you died, with Klaus' blood in your system. And you came back in a very slow transition. You drinking his blood still." I'm going to be a full on vampire? Well tribrid?

"But that still doesn't explain why I have Katherine's blood on my hand." I stated.

"Has it ever occurred to you that you could be going emotionless? Or at least not caring about humanity." I stated at him with a shocked look on my face.

"Emotionless? Not caring about humanity? That doesn't not sound anything like me-" he cut me off with a look.

He placed his hand on my knee, and squeezed in comfort.

"When you become a vampire, everything about you is heightened. And of course you'd still care and protect your kids even if it meant killing everyone in sight. But that's what I'm saying, humanity doesn't come to mind when it comes to those you love, vampire or not. That'll be heightened when you are a full vampire. And you don't let emotions get in the way, that'll be the death of you." He stood up and walked away, leaving me stunned.

Does Klaus know?

Elena walked out with my kids and I took them from her, giving her a small smile as she walked back inside.

Tears came to my eyes and I looked down at my kids who were cradled in my arms.

"I'll never lose myself for you. Even if I do go completely crazy, just know that I'll always love you." They gurgled and I sighed, not needing any of this drama in my life.

I stood up and brought my kids back inside, leaving them to the fam and heading out to find my fucking mate. He has some fucking explaining to do.





So I kind of maybe sort of just threw something out there, and you know what, it kind of works😊. Yes it's confusing, I get that, but don't worry it will be cleared up in the next chapter. Count on that. Actually don't 😹



Shanks fam



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