Meeting the Team

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      It had been two days since the guy with a scepter came through a portal that the tesseract created...just saying that is weird enough. Since then I've been on a helicarriers working to further research with what data we collected from the tesseract. Fury and Hill let me shadow them throughout the days, giving me a good prospective of what went down after serious events took place. Basically, everyone in the Avengers Initiative was called in and were to arrive immediately.

      Today was the day that everyone would arrive but since I had a few hours on my hands, I figured that I'd take my broom for a spin. I dug through my clothes for thicker pants and a long sleeve shirt. Along with those, I dug out my eye protection to help keep the wind out of my eyes. Stepping out on the helicarriers, the wind was strong and the air was crisp. My eyes scanned the horizon, seeing only blue skies and clouds. I smiled, swinging a leg over my broom and kicking off. I flew out into the open sky, the air sending a chill down my spine. I leaned forward, pushing down on my broom as I began to dive towards the sea. I felt my heart pounding as I started to gain speed, the ocean coming closer and closer each second. Waiting until the last minute, I pulled up and leveled out with the sea. I leaned over, flipping upside down on the broom. I let my head hang as I looked at the calm surface of the sea. My hand let go, falling past my head and dragging my hand through the cool water. I twisted myself up right, sitting back on the broom and just spreading my arms out. This was peace; a way to get away from the world.

      Just the thought of it brought a smile to my lips but the sound of jets flying overhead brought me back to reality. I looked up to the sky, seeing that the aircrafts were heading in the direction of the helicarriers. Taking ahold of my broom, I lifted up and started to ascend back into the clouds. When my head peeked up out of the clouds I saw that the jets were landing, letting only a handful of people off. I quickly landed and scurried through the doors as the helicarriers began to rise up into the sky. Taking my goggles off, I stuffed my broom and the goggles back into my bag as I walked into the "nerve center" of the helicarriers.

      "Are the Avenger people here," I asked, leaning in the doorway. One of the intelligence agents turned around and simply nodded at me.

      "Well, dang it," I groaned, running down the hall to the conference room. After running down a few halls and running up two flights of stairs, I came to a skidding halt in front of the doors to the conference room. I took a deep breath before pushing the doors open. Taking a step in, I saw Fury standing at the opposite in and a whole group of people in front of me. I recognized all their faces from the profiles that Clint hand shown me earlier.

      "Perfect timing, Evans," announced Fury, motioning a hand to a seat at the table. I smiled, walking past everyone as I made my way to an empty chair.

      "Why thank you," I responded.

      "Everyone, this is Kiya Evans. She was assigned to the Avengers Initiative at last minute. Ms. Evans here, is a pureblood witch," stated Fury. Everyone looked at me with different expressions.

      "Are we talking like a witch from the Salem witch trials or Hocus Pocus Sanderson Sisters," asked Tony.

      "I'd say more towards the Sanderson Sisters but without the whole "Satan is our master" kind of thing," I answered.

      Steve Rogers leaned over to the red head that I recognized as Natasha Romanov.

      "Sanderson Sisters," he asked, his brows scrunched up in confusion. Natasha rolled her eyes a bit with a small smile threatening to make an appearance.

      Fury continued, "She is a graduated from Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She's a talented witch with an extensive record of accomplishments. Along with that, she's been studying the tesseract as a SHIELD agent."

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