chapter 1: The Beginning

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One night a pack of wolves were out hunting, but these are no ordinary wolves. These wolves were once humans who believed that they were once powerful beings who could take on the form of the great werewolf. They wanted to have that power back, but in order to do so they had to sacrifice much of their land, people and resources. Soon enough though their prayers were answered, but It came with a price. Which was that they were only able to turn human once every ten years. On this night the Kami-Nekura who were a race of Japanese vampires on a mission to kill the wolves, for tonight was the night that they could become human. The vampires had spent years developing a serum that could keep the wolves human for up to a year. They had captured a female wolf while she was shifting and vulnerable. That wolf was my mother Serana, once sedated she was taken to the castle were the ancient one resided. While in captivity she was used as the Kami-Nekura's leader's slave. She was beaten, raped, and tortured until she got pregnant with me after a long night of drunken beatings and torture. When the leader found out he allowed her to have me, however she would be sentenced to death moments after my birth. My mom named me Derrick with her final words as she took her dying breath. With the vampires knowing who and what I was they wanted to kill me, but their leader wouldn't allow it. I was his son, but I was also the first of my kind which was seen as a threat. Being part wolf and part vampire I'm not able to shift, but I did get wolf ears and a tail. My father sent me away to an orphanage in hopes that the world would eat me alive and after many years had passed I was asked to leave. At the age of 19 I was found by a family living on my own, but this family was like me they were hybrids. It was made up of four girls and two boys. They lived in a manor in Kyoto, Japan being that I lived in in the forest I had never seen a house so big. "Hi I'm Aurora" one of the girls said to me. I looked at her and silently spoke "Hi I'm Derrick". When we arrived at the house I ran up stairs to avoid everyone else. Once I found an empty room I went inside and locked the door before sliding down into the fetal position. A few seconds later there was a knock. "Derrick are you in there? it's me Cara." I hesitated before answering "y...yes I'm in here." I replied while slowly unlocking the door. She looked at me and pulled into a hug "It's okay you don't have to be scared." her words echoed in my head as she let go and walked out.

3 hours later

Aurora had came to my room to see if I was settled in. When she stepped into my room I was hunched over on the floor breathing hard and in pain. She noticed that my fangs were growing and retracting and then it all started to make sense to her " When was the last time you had blood?" I looked up and managed to say "3....months." she looked at me and ran down stairs then returned with a cup of blood. I was hesitant at first but then I snatched the cup and gulped it down. Immediately I felt better and when I looked up at her she smiled and laughed. Soon the room had fell silent until another girl came in "Hello there I'm am Sheena" she bowed. I waved at her but didn't say a word. Not even three seconds had past before one of the boys had stopped by " Sup names Rick." he said with a faint smile . He looked like a wanna be Ricky Martin from the angle i was looking at him from. Finally I was alone and I was happy for once in my life I finally had a family, but deep down I still felt like I had nothing. That night I had a vivid nightmare, but it didn't feel like a dream. No this was different, I saw a kitchen full of blood and two bodies peaking out from behind the blood soaked island. As I slowly crept to the island my heart tied into a knot at the faces that laid before me. They belonged to Mr. and Mrs. Takahashi my foster parents, their lifeless eyes fixated on me as I took another step toward them. Then, simultaneously they whispered the word "Run." as if I were pushed off a building I felt my body slowly falling back as the room faded to a pitch black.

The next morning

When I woke up there was barely enough time for me to process what I had just dreamt about before I noticed a boy standing over me. At first glance he looked like angel, but then I  saw the ears "So you must be the new guy?" this mysterious boy mumbled. I sat up looking confused before the anger set in "Who the hell are you? Why are you bothering me? Get the hell out now!" I yelled making the room shake slightly. He looked at me like he was terrified yet curious "It's honestly very interesting that you think I  give a shit about your privacy." he said while leaving and slamming the door. Just when i thought I had my alone time a girl kicked down my door. She glared and walked over to me. " I'm kira and I am the the oldest of this family, if you think for a second that you could fuck with anyone in this family I can and will destroy you have a nice day." she said with a smirk as she walked out. With my morning  filled with many disturbances there wasn't much sleep for me to get. Even when I did get that blissful feeling of sleep my dreams woke me up each one more horrid than the others before. After giving up on catching some Z's I got out of bed and stretched while letting out a primal yawn. Then, I walked downstairs and was stopped by Aurora " Derrick we are going out club tonight would you like to come with us?" I thought to myself for a second before answering " Sure why not it would be fun to get out of here." As the day passed by I filled my time with practicing controlling my powers. Breathing in and out letting the power flow through my body, and then a black hue started to emit from my skin. Slowly I drew my sword while visualizing my energy filling the blade giving it power. Now that its completely energized I took a few swings and watched as the four bamboo trees standing before me were now sliced in half. Excited to see what else I could do I swung it once more but this time I felt a sharp pain in my chest and fell to my knees. Breathing hard and clutching myself I realized that I had not eaten today. Taking my time I pulled myself off the ground using a tree to brace myself. Frustrated, tired and hungry I sheathed my sword and started to make my way towards the house. when I arrived I decided to flop down on my bed and take  a nap before going out tonight.

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