Chapter 8

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Ignazio's POV:

"What?! Did you just said that you like Venus?" I said, managing to say this because it caught me off guard.

"Yes. I like her." Gianluca said.

"How did this happen?"

"Well it started when we were about to go on stage in the mall over in California. I was going to ask Piero something before we actually set foot on stage, but I realized he was just standing there, looking towards the crowd of people. I went towards him to see what was he staring at, and I followed his vision. He was looking at Venus. She looked like an angel that had fallen into Earth from heaven."

"That's when I found you guys, you looked like idiots, standing there with your jaws falling off." I said goofing off, to break the tension in the room we were.

"Yeah. Then I realized that Piero was just staring at her, and when I saw that she was about to fall, he pushed me from the way to go help her. I was amazed, but that was just the start. As the time passed, I got to meet her more, one afternoon. Actually right before, whenever we were going to Mr. Nick's office. That's when I felt something strange inside me. I wasn't sure of what it was but I decided to ignore it. But, whenever Piero told us he needed to talk to us,  I felt worried. So when Piero and Venus were in the restaurant, I noticed something strange from the way she looked at me. Once Piero said 'Guys, Venus and I are going out now!', I sank on my seat. Everything was being flipped inside me, that I couldn't take much hearing them say sweet things to each other in my face, I just left the table and towards..."

"Towards where Gian?" I kknew there was another thing bothering him when he paused.

".. Swear that you will also keep this from Piero. Swear!"

"Yes, I swear, but tell me please." I insisted.

"Ok. When we were going to enter the restaurant, I noticed that Venus had two people following her. I saw where they sat and they were doing although I was going through hell sitting there with you guys. When I stood from the table..I.. I decided to go over to their table. And I took some information from them, which in Germany everything was much clear to me."

"What you 'discovered'?"

"She has her own band." Gianluca said, with a surprising face.

"A what?"

"A band, a music group. She is one of the members of 'The Velvets'." he whispered.

I couldn't believe all that Gianluca has told me. Should I believe him? oh, but instead of doing anything else I screamed "Venus is one of the girls from The Velvets!!!"

Gianluca stood up, and covered my mouth.

"Shh!!! Don't say it outloud!"

I moved his hand from my mouth and said " Why do you want to keep that Venus is becoming famous from Piero?"

"He would be crushed, don't you remember what he said to us after we left the restaurant?"

"That he was so happy he found his true love, with an ordinary girl that doesn't care about the famous stuff like most girls?"

"Yeah." That's when I realized that I had to keep this from Piero too.

"Don't worry Gian. I got your back, I won't say a thing about this conversation to anyone."

**In the studio in LA**

Venus's POV:

Aj had recently gotten a call from Mr. Nick. he told her that we were having a surprise meeting. I'm guessing this was going to be more good news. As we entered the building,Mr. Nick was waiting for us outside the meeting room. I noticed he didn't say anything, but just smile. His indicated us to enter to the room with his head. we entered, and I saw a lady sitting, like if she has been waiting for so long. We sat in front of her, while Mr. Nick sat next to the lady.

"Who's she?" said Samanta to Aj.

"Shh! Maybe this is something serious." Aj said, hitting Samanta in her hand.

A tall guy, with a black suit entered, and Mr. Nick, along with the lady stood up. The suited guy indicated to sit down with his hand, when I realized that he looked at us, which he ended up with an astonished face.

"Wow! So you are 'The Velvet' girls. I never thought you girls were this cute! Welcome to Geffen Records. I'm David Geffen. THE DAVID GEFFEN! PRODUCER OF IL VOLO'S RECODS HERE IN THE U.S

"yes the one and only David Geffen."

"Excuse me?" I said. Did he just read my mind or something?

"I noticed your amazed face." He chuckled and turned to get some water.

"Um may I ask why are we here?" I said, I little confused.

He turned towards Mr. Nick and said "I see you have managed to train them with good manners! Impressing!"

"Sir, actually no. He did do anything. We are like this, he only helped us with our voices by making us sing some of his songs." I said, correcting this guy.

"Ohhhh kay! Let's get down to business. Now Nick, you want me to help you with these lovely girls to make an album right?" said the guy.

"Yes. With my songs and the...."

"You're songs!! That song they got recognized wasn't your song! You have the same old, boring songs!" This guy was just being rude to Mr. Nick with that comment of his.

"I like these new songs that they are singing! Who did you bought this song from? Nick." he said.

"Sir, that song, is actually Venus." Mr. Nick said, finally defending himself.

"Oh my! Who's Venus?" he asked.

I raised my hand. I saw the expression in his face, I thought he was going to kill Mr. Nick at the end of this meeting.

"Talented girl! And this is why I will change your group towards a good manager Mrs. Monica Smith." When he said that, he pointed to the lady in front of us.

"YOU'RE REPLACING MR. NICK?!" I got up so angry and screamed at Mr. Geffen. I noticed that my scream echoed in the room, which left everyone with their mouths' opened. I am in a big trouble by screaming at the owner of this record company.


Hey guys! I just went bak to school today after a long week of vacations! I'll try and post as often as I can, I promise! A HUGE shout out to my new and good friend  @CarlyRose456 Thanks to her for reading this story and spreading the word!! Vote, Comment and SPREAD THE WORD!!  -Bridget

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