Chapter 40

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Still Piero's POV:

"Where are you taking us?" Venus asked.

"You'll see. Just a little bit of more walking and we get there." I said.

"Can you tell us why you wanted for us to come too?" Ignazio asked. 

"I want you guys to see too." I said, walking and moving the tree branches out of my way. I thought 'I hope this goes like I planned." I heard some loud microphone sound so I made everyone stop. "Ok. We're here, but I need you to close your eyes amore." I said as I faced Venus. She frowned in confusion but still managed to close them. I walked towards her and place my hand on top of her eyes to make sure she didn't see anything. I turned to face everyone and signaled them to stay quiet and go on with it. They nodded their heads in agreement and I said outloud "Ok, just follow me Venus, I'll be close to you."

Everyone walked first and I followed with Venus. Once we got out from the forest to the open space, I glared at Gianluca to come over and take my place.

"Why did we stop?" Venus asked

"Don't worry, hold on a sec. But keep your eyes closer amore." I said, making faces to Gianluca to hurry up. He came and covered her eyes while I was getting prepared to go.

"Keep your eyes closed. Whenever you hear me say 'Open them', you open them ok?" I said and  she nodded. I ran to the little stage and got up, once in place I scram "Open them!"

Venus's POV:

I felt the hand on my face move away so i slowly opened my eyes. It took me a while to see since the sun was up and shinning. Once I got my sight back again, I felt my jaw drop open at what I was looking at.

"Oh My God!" My knees bent as I got in my head the impression, feeling it going through my veins. Piero stood on this small stage with a microphone and a guitar strapped down his right side.

"Venus, this is for you." He said. I walked closer to the mini stage and felt everyone do the same thing. My impression was so hypnotizing that i didn't even bother to turn back and check on the kids. But I wasn't worried because I knew Aj was taking care of them. He started playing and sang:

(So, i'm writting the lyrics to 'Hasta el Final'. i posted a video of the song if you rather listen to it or do both! Please don't pay attention to the lyrics in the video, the lyric i'm writting are the official ones. )

"Hoy que tu estas, a mi lado. Mi alma se llena de sol, todo parece brillar a mi alrededor, si me das, tu calor. Soy tan feliz en tus brazos. Puedo las nubes tocar, mi luz, mi piel, la unica. Cuanta suerte, tenerte. 

Amor, por ti respiro y en tu piel... mi sueno escribire. Que yo me quedare, contigo hasta el final.

No hay mas otonos, ni inviernos. El mar cambio de color. Me sobra fe, amandote. Mi elegida, mi vida. 

Amor, por ti respiro y en tu piel! Mi sueno escribire! Que yo me quedare, contigo hasta el final.

Camine en las sombras, tropeze con mi destino en soledad, llore. Pero de tu mano un dia la alegria entro a mi corazon. Amor... por ti respiro y en tu piel! Mis sueno escribire. Que yo me quedare, no me ire jamas, me enamore! A ti entregare, fiel sere, siempre contigo... hasta el final."

When he finished, I found myself crying and clapping at the same time. I saw Piero put the guitar down and took the microphone and said "Venus, the love of my life, the mother of my children, would you marry me?" He kneeled down in the stage and took out a blue box out from his pocket. He opened it facing me, and I saw a shinny ring. I covered my mouth with one hand and clean out my tears with the other. I took a deep breath and I ran up the stage.

"Yes! Piero, Oh my God! Yes!" I shouted and Piero hugged me. tears of joy ran down my cheeks and I heard Piero say over my shoulder, "I love you, and i want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side."


hey guys! how is everyone? i guess i'll post two or three more chapters before finishing this story! Omg! Have a nice week you guys! Vote, comment and SPREAD THE WORD! -Bridget

P.S: Keep up reading the p.s's cuz some important info is going to come! :D

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