Chapter 12

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Piero's POV:

"How did I fall that low? I never thought Gianluca would do that to me. We were like brothers. And Venus, gesh, Venus. I'm sorry I told her all those things, but how could she let Gianluca kiss her? She knew I'm-- was her boyfriend! She could of said something you know." I said as I stared out the plane window.

"Did you give her a chance to say something?" The old nice guy asked me. I turned and sat quietly there.

"No. I didn't want to her her. I had seen enough and heard what I needed to hear." Now that he asked me that, I felt more guilty. I should of let her speak, she at least deserved that.

Venus's POV:

"Venus? Hey, wake up. Venuuss..." I heard someone say at a long distance. I tried to open my eyes, but they were to heavy. When I finally managed to open them, I saw a black figure in front of me.

"hey! good morning sleepy head." I recognized that voice. I tried to clear up my vision to see the person.

"Where am I?" I asked, as I tried to sit on the bed.

"In the hospital. but you're fine now. you got us all worried, but now everything is back to normal." the voice said.

"It's too bright. I can't see." I say, trying to squint my eyes to see better.

"Oh, let me close the curtains a little. The nurse came in earlier and opened them." The voice said. How can't I figure who it is? All I know is that is someone I know.

"There. Better?"

"Yeah, thanks..." I realize that it was Gianluca. "How did I get here?" I managed to say with my dry mouth.

"You fainted. But we got you here on time." Gian said.

"Got me here on time? How come?"

"Well, I had a little anxiety attack, apparently you have a small problem with your heart, but they detected it on time, before it could get worse." He said.

"Ohh. I've had anxiety attacks before, but I never thought they were something serious." I was shocked by the news.

"Yeah, the doctor said to not give you any harsh news, that it can speed up your pressure and you can have another attack. But don't worry, i'll take care of that." He's such a sweetheart.

"Where's Piero? Is he outside?" I asked.

"Ummm, he... He had to go home, something happened in the family. But don't worry I'll..."

"No, don't tell him anything. I don't want for him to get worried." I slip down the bed.

"Ok. As you say bella." Gian said with a little chuckle at the end.


Gianluca's POV:

Wow, I can't believe that she doesn't remember what happened. I hope she forgets it, it can cause her serious problems. As I thought in the waiting room, I saw Ignazio, Aj and Samanta come in.

"Gianluca, you look terrible!" Ignazio said.

"Well hello to you too. Venus is all right." I say. The girls laughed, I just managed to get a smile out of my face.

"So , is she ok?" Aj asked.

"Yeah, a few minutes ago she woke up. She doesn't remember anything of what happened yesterday. So don't remind her of anything, remember she is very delicate because of her heart condition." I say.

They looked at me with confusion. "Oh, and she asked me about Piero, if she asks again, just say that he had to leave for a family emergency."

"Ok" All three of them said in chorus.

** 2 months later**

Venus's POV: (a dream)

"Piero!! Please Piero, listen to me. It's not what you think!" I scream

"NO! Shut up. I thought you were different!" Piero screams.

"Venus, i'm sorry! Piero, i'm sorry to you too!" Gianluca says.

"My love.." I run towards him to hug him, but he backs up. "Piero?"

"No Venus, It's over!" Piero says and leaves.

 I hear myself screaming "Don't leave me, please!!". I opened my eyes and sit on the bed. My whole body is sweaty, and im shaking.

"Are you ok?" I heard in the pitch darkness.

"No!, I had that dream again. It's the tenth time I've had that same dream since I got out of the hospital." The night lamp in my night stand turned off, and Gianluca sat in my bed.

"It's ok. Don't worry,it's just a dream." He pats my back so I can calm down, then he reaches to the stand and gets a glass of water.

"I heard screams! What is it?" I saw the girls run from the hall towards my bed.

"I'm fine you guys, thanks. It's just that dream again."

"What's in this dream? I'm staring to get curious and frustrated." I hear Samanta say.

"Well, it's about Piero. That I scream at him that he needs to forgive me. I don't now what I did, but then Gian appears in the dream too, apologizing to me and Piero." I turn to see Ganluca and his head turns to look at the floor.

"Oh. Maybe it's cause you miss Piero. You know it takes time to heel the fact that a family member passed away...


hey guys! sorry I didn't update, ive been busy. ill try and update sooner.. VOTE, COMMENT AND SPREAD THE WORD!!      -Bridget



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