Chapter One

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Scarlette sat still on the perfectly groomed green grass of her backyard. The pages of The Outsiders next to her was blowing in the Fall wind. A wind chime was ringing in the distance. Yet neither of these things distracted her from her meditation.

Thunder claps in the distance but Scarlette stays still, trying to sort her dispersed thoughts.

A sprinkle lands on her faultlessly made up face. Scarlette's green eyes pop open as she realizes how long she's been sitting.

"Shit." she muttered. "Every time."

She gathers her stuff: The Outsiders, her bag, and her coffee cup. The only three things she carries with her.

As she's jogging to the backdoor the rain picks up and soaks into her newly blown out hair.

"Could this timing be any worse?" she aimlessly curses as she fumbles into her house.

She kicks off her shoes and sighs, blowing her bangs out of her eyes. "Damn rain."

A little chime comes from her bag while she's mentally cursing the storm outside the kitchen window.

Scar, please meet me at the café. It's important.

Scarlette's best friend Anna was always exaggerating. This is probably nothing, she thought.

Scooping up her keys, she pulls out her phone, ringing once again.

Please hurry.

"Jesus, Anna." Scarlette wines, replying to the text.


Walking into the cafe, Scarlette notices Anna at the back table nervously chewing her nails. As she sees Scarlette she shoots her hand up and motions for Scarlette to come quick.

Scarlette tucks her hair behind her ear, smiles at the guy behind the register and scurries over to Anna.

"Well damn, what took you so freakin' long?"

"You didn't exactly give me much time, Anna. What's wrong?" Scarlette answers.

There did seem to be a weird vibe coming from Anna. Something Scarlette wasn't too acquainted with. Anna was usually calm, cool and collected, but today she was paranoid and antsy.

"Scar...leave with me. Let's move." Anna whispers "I uhm...I don't have much of a choice. I'd go alone but I'd miss you."

Scarlette's eyes widened. What in the world could have happened these last couple of hours that would make her need to skip town?

"Anna, have you seen the news? We are two young girls who probably couldn't even defend themselves. We would be on the news."

Anna's eyes began to water. She touched her bottom lip as it started to quiver.

"God, Anna. What happened?"

Scarlette couldn't think of any reason why Anna wouldn't be happy. She's 19, beautiful, and just got accepted into college. Her life seems...perfect.

"I can't tell you yet, Scar. Please come with me. I would never ask for something this crazy, you know that." She says, wiping her nose on the sleeve of her sweater.

Scarlette sat there. She looked straight into Anna's eyes. The paranoia on her face was so apparent.

For a second, Scarlette felt like she was 7 again. Something about the look on Anna's face took her aback. She remembers Anna standing on her doorstep with the same paranoid, scared look. She never told Scarlette what was wrong, just stayed the night and played Candyland for hours.

"Scarlette, I'm begging you."

The sound of Anna's pleading voice snapped Scarlette back to reality. She felt a current of ache run through her body. Sorrow.

"Okay...okay I will. But you've got to tell me what happened the second we are out of Beaumont County."

Anna shifts in her seat, wiping a tear from her rosy cheeks. She looks through the window at the storm. "And Scarlette...we can't tell anyone we're leaving."


Thank you, thank you, thank you. Yes you. ❤️
I promise this book will get better.

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