Chapter Five

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It was around 11 at night when Scarlette and Anna pulled in to Rosewood Mansion. The hotel was huge, nothing like Scarlette had ever seen before.

"Holy shit." Anna murmured. She put her cigarette out in the ashtray and rolled her window down as a man in a suit came up to their window.

"Good evening, I'll be parking your car tonight. Enjoy your stay at Rosewood Mansion." The man said.
He opened Anna's door as she let out a small giggle.

"Fancy." Anna whispered to Scarlette as they strolled through the big double doors. "And so the adventure begins."

Scarlette oulls the crisp hundred out of her wallet. "I don't think this will be enough Anna."

Anna grabs Scarlette's arm and looks around for the nearest restroom. She takes the bag of money out of her purse and pulls out 3 more hundreds. "This should do...right?"

Scarlette shrugs her shoulders. "Isnt this amazing. Look, a chandelier!"

Both the girls look up to see a giant diamond chandelier hanging above their heads.

"Selfie?" Anna says, taking out her phone and snapping a quick picture.

"I'll print it and put it in my journal. We'll keep track of the adventure." Scarlette smiles. She takes the money from Anna and tucks it neatly into her wallet. "Let's go get our fancy room."

The woman at the front desk looked skeptical with her glasses perched on the tip of her nose. "Can I help you?"

"A room for two please." Anna says, annoyed as she inspects her nails.

Scarlette stood still behind Anna. This is why they were best friends. Anna was the strong one who talked to people and Scarlette was the silent, sweet one.

"250 for a night, sweetheart." The woman says, with a sympathetic look on her face, as if Anna wasn't holding a giant bag of money in her purse.

Anna turns around to Scarlette and holds her hand out, winking in the process.

Scarlette unzips her wallet with a smirk, handing Anna the three bills.

"Key please." She says, handing the lady the money.

The lady tucks the money into the register and turns around to face a board of keys on the wall. She grabs key fifty-six and drops it in Anna's hand. "Pay another two-fifty tomorrow at this time for another twnety-four hours. Have a good stay." She obviously forces a smile.

Anna folds her fingers over the key and turns around. She takes Scarlette's hand in hers, "Bitch." she whispers as they enter the elevator.


The hotel room was marvelous. Two king size beds with big fluffy comforters and countless pillows. Two diamond chandeliers hung above both beds, and there was a giant window overlooking a beautiful view of Dallas. A big flat screen tv hung on the wall opposite of the beds.

Scarlette smiled big as she took in the view. "Anna..."

"This is amazing!" Anna screams, "And we've got it all to ourselves."

Scarlette plops down on the bed closes to the window. She takes out her phone and snaps a selfie with her tongue out.

A knock came from the door. Anna dropped her purse and went to open it.

The valet man walked in pushing a cart holding their luggage. His lips curl into a handsome smile as he says "Enjoying your room."

Anna looks back at Scarlette with a grin on her face.

"Just as much as any other old hotel we've stayed in. Thank you." she says as if they run away and stay in luxurious hotels all the time.

"Call room service if you need anything. See you." the man winks at Scarlette. "By the way, I'm Matt."

"Thanks, Matt." Anna says closing th3 door behind him. "Ugh, he was totally hitting on you."

Scarlette blushes and tucks her hair behind her ear.

"Get used to it, Scar. We're in Dallas." Anna laughs. "Ready to be a fiery, sexy red head?"

The next couple hours, the girls sat in the bathroom and did their hair. Anna's was black and to her shoulders. Scarlettes was mid-back and bright, bright red.

"I feel like a new woman." Anna smirks, lighting a joint as she sits criss cross on the balcony.

Scarlette sits beside Anna. "This is just the start to a whole new life." She says.

A cloud of smoke escapes Anna's mouth. She fiddles with the joint before looking up at Scarlette.

"Scar, I know we promised not to talk about it anymore, but I feel like you should know more." she says, passing the joint.

Scarlette takes a puff.

"The money. It was my dads. Before I left I went through his things. I found the money beside a box of needles."

Scarlette coughed, "Needles?"

Scarlette knew her parents were drug addicts, but she never found their stash.

"He must've been selling." Anna whispered. "It would explain why he was so angry all the time. He was probably doing the drugs too."

She lifted her shirt in the front to reveal a giant bruise.

"He did that?" Scarlette cries. She scoops her friend into a tight hug. "Anna why didnt you ever tell me?"

Anna rests her head onto Scarlette's shoulder. Her body going limp as if she needed the hug, and Scarlette knew she did.

Anna wimpered for a few minutes in Scarlette's arms before sitting up straight and taking another puff of the joint.

"Remember that time your brother took us to the carnival in Houston?" Anna smiled. "We road the ferris wheel six times."

Scarlette thought about her brother, Jax, for a second. Of course he wasnt her blood brother, but he was the closest thing she had to blood family. His parents adopted her at the age of three, after she spent a year in an orphanage. He was two years older than her and was an only child before Scarlette came along. Her heart ached for a second at the thought of him. He hadnt called yet, but she knew when he did she'd have to decline it and that made her tear up a bit.

That day, Jax took Scarlette and Anna to the carnival in his old beat up blue pickup. The girls dressed in their favorite dressed and curled their hair. It was both of their first time going to a carnival.

"Every time we got on the ferris wheel you made me get on a pink cart." Anna laughed.

Scarlette smiled at the thought. "One of the best days of my life."

Anna put the joint out and dropped the doobie over the edge. "Let's take our asses to bed, we've got a big day tomorrow." She winks.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2018 ⏰

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