We are NOT Romeo and Juliette part 3, 4, and 5

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Chapter 3: "Julie has a fiancée?!?!?"

Romeo POV:

How could she do this to me? I feel so betrayed. I thought she loved me.....

Daniel POV:

I tried to talk to this strange fool but he looked lost, so I just got up and left.

Juliette POV:

After my talk with my father, I went back into the ballroom to look for Romeo. He wasn't there. Where could he have gone??? Suddenly, I ran into Daniel.

D: "Hey baby come dance with me." he puts on his sexy smile.

J: "Danny I really have to go." I try to leave but he grabs my arm.

D: He looks serious and holds on to my arm tighter. "Where are you going?"

J: I look at him, scared. "Danny you're hurting me...." what was with him? He had never acted like this before.

D: Puts on a shocked look and lets go "I...I....I'm sorry, I have to go." He looks guilty as he walks away.

J: "Danny?" I shrug and continue on my search for Romeo.

I finally find him in the garden.

He had his head in his hands. When he saw me approach him he looked up. He was crying.

"Julie how could you?"


Chapter 4: "You are forever my love."

Juliette POV:

I look at him shocked.

"Romeo? What happened to you?"

R: He stands up his face now angry. "Me?! What's wrong with ME?! What's wrong with YOU?!?!"

J: "What?" I had never really seen him so angry

R: Looks down at my solid diamond ring. His face turns softer "Youre engaged Julie." he sighs

Cr@p. I completely forgot about that. "Howd you know?" I asked quietly

R: "I met Daniel."

J: "Oh......" I was going to introduce him to Danny later.

I sit down next to him. "Whats wrong?"

R: "Julie, can't you see?!". He takes a deep breath and says "I love you Julie. I have loved you always, and I always will. You are forever my love."


Chapter 5: "Since we last met."

Juliette POV:

J: I close my eyes calmly and say "Romeo......do you know how long it's been?"

R: He nods anxiously "Yes! I counted the hours without you."

J: I open my eyes "Well, how long were we apart?"

R: "10 years and 2 months since we last met."

J: I nod slowly. "And a lot can change in 10 years....."

R: "But....."

I feel like crying. I actually do still love him. But I am engaged for the good of my country. It takes all of my strength to say this.

"Romeo...." I look into his lovely eyes "I know what I said. But I can't do this. Not right now."

I leave immediately to hide my tears falling down my cheek.

So How was it? This is my first time doing 3 chapters at the same time. Plz comment and vote.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2010 ⏰

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