Chapter 1

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"Getchya lazy ass down here. You gottago ta shool." My mum slurred. Clearly she can't even face me without being intoxicated. For some reason, she blames me for what my dad did.

"Ya, ya. I'm coming." I call down the stairs. As I walk out the door, I call to her, "Talk to me when you're sober." and slam the door. I'm pissed.

What a great start to this day.

Please note the sarcasm.

I hop in my shit car and beg for the engine to cooperate. I can't be late again! After a couple false starts, the engine sputters to life. Angrily, I speed out of the driveway and skid around icy corners until I pull up in front of my school. I search for a parking space and finally find one. Miraculously I make it to class in time, not caring that my muddy blond hair is a mess and my sweater has a slight stain on it. None of these kids like me, anyways. I race to my seat just as the bell rings. Since it's Bio, everyone should technically have a lab partner, but since there was an odd number of students in our class and no one really wanted to be my partner, I sat alone.

Silently, I slip my hair into a pony tail and smooth my jeans.

"Class, we have a new student! He just moved here from London! Harry, would you please introduce yourself?" Our teacher announced. Even though I was still too uninterested in the topic to actually look up, I decided to listen carefully to what this 'Harry' has to say. Its better then Bio.

"Hello, I'm Harry. Harry Styles. I moved here from London with my mum, and thats about it!" A low, gravely voice explains.


Did he say Harry Styles? As in my best friend from London, from before my dad died? About a month after my dad shot himself, my mum decided to have us move to a place where people don't know our story. I tried to say good bye to Harry, but he was ignoring me for some reason. That was two years ago. I was only 14.

I look up to check my theory. Sure enough, I see a boy with curls the color of chocolate and a smirk that show his dimples. He grew up, but he still had those features. When I knew him, he was an awkward kid, now he looks, well, hot! Too bad he's going to be popular here. I can tell. I kind of want to be friends with him again. Not like he'll ever talk to me.

"Um, lets see. Harry, you can sit next to Grace. See the empty seat?" My teacher says, Harry's eyes following where she is pointing. When he see's me, a flicker of recognition goes through his face, and he begins to smile.



Grace. Grace Hayes. I never thought I'd hear that name again. I know I should be pissed at her for how she treated me in that last month before somehow she and her family dropped off the face of the earth. But I can't help it! She looks more beautiful now then I remember. Right now, she honestly looks like she's seen a ghost. Am I that bad?

Slowly, I make my way to my seat. As I inch closer, I feel a smile creeping onto my face. Pulling out the chair, I plop into my seat.

"So, how have you been? I didn't even know you were moving! Why?" I whisper.

The shock on her face is visible. "What do you mean, why? Do you seriously not remember what happened the month before?" she asks.

"Um, no? Well, except that you were a bitch to me and completely ignored me for a month." I reply. That's all I remember.

"Oh my god. Are you SERIOUS!" she exclaims. "I'm not even going to try." with that, she leaves the room.

"What happened?" The Bio teacher asks me. I look around and see everyone else staring.

"Umm, well I don't really know. Do you want me to go find her?" I ask. She nods and I race out of the classroom.

After searching for about 10 minutes, I find her. Grace was curled into a ball, sobbing in a dark, empty hallway. I sit down next to her.

"You really don't know, do you." She says, looking up.

"No, I don't. Would you tell me?" I ask her. She sighs.

"My dad, he, well he killed himself. A month before we left. My mum, um blamed me for it, and she wanted to get away where people didn't know because she was embarrassed by me. She didn't want people to know." Grace explains, her whole body shaking as she sobs.




I hope you liked this chapter!

Omg I had lots of fun writing it!

Please vote, comment and keep reading!

Well lol probs no one will even read this!

Bye lovelies<3

5SObsessed xx

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