Getting Worried .

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I'M SORRY! I'M SO SORRY IT TOOK ME THIS LONG TO UPDATE. But, it's going to be worth it ... hopefully. Since it's a new year . . . I already planned out my writing thing so I can update frequently. Thanks for still supporting the Rocky Love Series. Love y'all! Happy Reading ! 


(( 2 Months Later --- Trey ))

So . . . Laila and I have been handling this long distance relationship pretty well. Lately, I've been hanging with Nicole and some of my boys. Nicole and I have been chilling and what not, she starting to catch feelings. I'm not catching feelings or nothing but, if I wasn't with Laila I would be with her. She really pretty, funny, always has my back and she just a good person in general. I would never do that to Laila though, I love her to much to break her heart. We were just on the phone discussing our Halloween plans. She was going to a party with Carmen. They were going to pick out costumes and other stuff today.

Today I'm going costume shopping with Nicole. She's like a best friend to me, other than some of the boys. She puts me in check majority of the time and she keeps me from being sad since I'm away from Laila. She was in her apartment getting ready, I went over to get her so we could leave.

I knocked on the door and she took a while to open it. When she did I looked her up and down while biting my lip a little bit. She was dressed in some short, light blue shorts, a grey sweater, and her favorite Timberland's.

"You ready to go Trey?" She asked me and giggled.

I nodded and she grabbed her purse, then we left to go costume shopping. We pulled up to the store, it was a small, highly rated costume shop on the other side of town. As we walked a lady dressed in a vampire costume approached us, "Welcome! If you need help finding the couples costumes they are upstairs and to the left. But, if you need help with anything else let me know!"

We looked at each other and laughed, then went off to look for costumes. I found a costume for the Old Spice Commercial and I decided to try it on. I facetimed Laila and she answered, "Hey baby girl."

"Hey handsome," she giggled as she made faces into the camera.

"Did you find your costume yet?" I asked as she put her phone on this high bar so I could see inside the whole dressing room.

"No, but I'm trying on different ones at the moment. I picked out this Pocahontas, Sexy Nurse, Texas Chainsaw, and SWAT Team. I don't know which one to try on first though." She said as she held each costume up.

I laughed and thought for a minute, "Oh baby, I think I'm sick! I need a nurse or a doctor."

She stripped and got into the costume, I can definitely say the more I'm away the more beautiful she gets. Laila finally put on the costume, "Put all the others back! I want you to get that one and when I come back in November we can play doctor!"

She started giggling uncontrollably, "Oh gosh Trey! I will just for you baby! What are you dressing up as?"

"I was thinking about being the Old Spice guy from the commercials. I have the costume right here . . .I'll try it on if you want!"

She smirked, "Yeah baby! C'mon, I want to see how you look in it before everybody else does."

I started to undress and I could tell Laila was eye-fucking me by the way she was looking at the camera. I laughed and finally finished putting on the costume, "Go buy that now! But-" Laila was cut off by Nicole's talking.

"Trey! How does this look on me?" She said as she pulled back the curtain on the dressing room.

I sighed and looked at her in the same exact costume Laila had on. I looked back at my facetime and saw Laila looking at her with a disgusted face. I laughed and Laila started talking, "Oh look who it is . . .Nicole! I don't like that costume though, it looks better on me. But, let me keep my mouth closed because you didn't ask me so yeah." Laila rolled her eyes and fake smiled.

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