Staying Here for the Night

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Saaya POV

after the phonecall incident
I was curious about what happened in there,in these type of things i am seriously not into trusting people i mostly got curious and suspiciuos, but my sister is not like me.she mostly go with the flow,the first thing she does is run and talk.

"nothing happened really,its only business about!, y-yeah the game!" mitsuki said with a stutter or rather jolly accent
"could you stop reading my mind,and ask permision if you want to" I said in a monotoned voice

"sorry, can't help mind-readers can be very annoying" she said
I only half-smiled,and I was about to ask her something but someone interrupted me!

"hey mitsuki!!! do you have more manga?" akane shouted "yup,its at the highest shelf, you can use the ladder though" mitsuki replied
"can you get it,beacause i am scared of high distances, please!" my sister said lifting her head with a bright smile

"ok,I get that,Its also because of my wings right?" she said raising her eyebrow
"wow! you litterally read my mind. how is that possible" akane wondered
of course that stupid girl did not even listen to our conversation.
"*sigh* you two remind me with my sisters too." mitsuki started looking at me with a smug face.
did I say that too loud
"yes and I mean,really loud" she said pointing to her head
oh yeah mind-reading

after that she flyed and probably got some 6 mangas
and a question is flying in my head waiting for an answer.
"hey mitsuki,why do you have a lot of books,that are important and unimportant?" I asked
she paused and looked at me
"its because of my sister mitsukuni-san she is also known as the head of knowledge,you can meet her in the infinity library of knowledge (its a working title)."
"wait what!? you have sisies? who are they?" my sister blurted
"in fact I do,3 of them.they are mitsukuni-san,mitsumi-san,and mitsuni-san,plus all of us here do not have last names.if your gonna ask" she said tilting
"I was gonna ask though" Akane said

"okay so are you guys tired? you could sleep in your room get ready for your level 1 game"
I froze at that time
"you know what,your right we should go hit the beds"
and like that I pulled my sis to the room
"I am not done reading yet sis!"
"then just bring the fucking book with you" i responded
I also heard mitsuki's voice saying
"there are also extra nightgowns in the closet!"
"got it! thanks anyways"
I responded

Akane POV

I was gladly enjoying my springtrap x reader fanfic,until someone dragged me from reading a good story.
sis dragged me at our room,it was cool though. it has green and blue curtains and the tiles were red,white,black and yello- oh my god! RWBY reference!!! internal fangirl screaming is attacking me,our room was also filled with undertale,FNAF and Youtube posters (and some posters of our OTP ehhhehehe) we have a violet bookshelf filled with fanfics and manga.a computer (in case we are super bored) and...

our school photo with our friends???

how'd it get here?
that was our first ever picture together with...


well thats just weird.super weird

after my why-is-the-school-photo-here-incedent my sister began to blabber something about,dunno something shitty I guess.

"okay,that was close.I can't help it anymore this game thingy is messing out with my head,and tomorrow? what am I kidding,we cannot play this game!" she said completely crazily out of control tone

"sis,its gonna be fine,you don't even know how the game looks like,plus it could also be fun,and this is our only chance to go back home on the surface"
I explained still reading at my book
"yeah...I think your right,but.How is everyone gonna react when were gone that long especially haruka, and our friends?"
my sissy asked

I am seriously not kidding but she is right,that question how are they gonna react,our education,what will happen to it?


Haruka POV

it was monday,and I was on my bike going to school.I am so excited to see my friends especially Saaya and Akane those weird but cool twins.

I have arrived at my location.I also saw Joanna and Lukiya at our spot but somethings really missing

*gasp* my ultimate-super-duper-kawaii-very-i-mean-really-lucky-pen!!!

could this day get any worse

I know what your really thinking about
'its only a pen!?'
well hello it is our exam today and everytime I have that pen I clearly have those sweet A+!

how could the world be so cruel!


Akane POV

after that it was
already night?
jeez what a day,that was really quick

"hey ummmmm sis? we should sleep,its night"

"ugh sure sis,just wait I still need to finish my pacifist (yo is that the spelling) run on Undertale

there she goes with her shit stuff again

I wonder what the game is all about...

Mitsuki POV

what should I put on level 1

I think I already know what
to do

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