Chapter 12

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Above is Taylor.

I saw her put her hands on him.. I was filled with anger. How could he do this to me?

I watched as he left. Why did he leave?  When he left, I followed her outside and I couldn't control it anymore. I spin her around and dig my claws into her chest and leaving four claw slashes inside her chest. She falls to the ground spurting blood from her mouth and choking on it and the blood filling her lunges.

I roll her over when I got an idea to leave a message.  I leave one claw descended and I dig it into her back. But this doesn't feel like I'm taking the reins. I feel like someone is taking control of my body.

I don't know where this is all coming from. I don't know whether this is a dream or reality. This anger seems real.. But yet.. Why am I so angry? This anger feels likes it's been held in for years..

I feel pain. All I want is my imprint. I run to where I saved Bella. I look to the water wondering where Jake could be.

I turn around when I heard twigs snapping. Jacob stands there looking around.

"Jake..", I whisper.. This is a dream.. I'm finally seeing him after three months. I couldn't be more happy. The anger I felt was long gone.

He looks out to the ocean behind me and I realize.. He can't see me.. No.. No.. Please.. Jacob needs to see me.. He looks around the area looking for something. His head and eyes darting everywhere searching for something he needs. He looks determined yet desperate.

Did he hear me? "Jake.. I'm coming home.. We will see each other soon.. I promise.. Please forgive me..", I say thinking about the girl I killed, thinking about Finn..

He looks around and I did what I had wanted to do for so long. I walk up to him and hug him. His body relaxes as if I was really here. I look up at him and his eyes were closed.

I lean up to press my lips to his but Seth walks up to him. He looks quizzically at Jacob with an eyebrow raised.

I then bring my arms to myself and walk away.. I didn't know what else to do... I then walk back to the preserve and everyone was staring at the girl I killed. Soon after Jake arrived and stared angrily at her. I saw a mass figure approaching behind Jacob and I run to him.

But it was too late. The dark figure.. It was shaped in the figure of a person.. It's eyes glowing red and it's teeth razor sharp. It's fist collides with Jacob's skull and he drops to the ground. I couldn't blink before everything whizzed away and a bright light shown in my face..

I lunge forward gasping and blinking repeatedly. I look around and I am on a wooden table surrounded by people in black cloaks. There were a total of seven. What the hell is going on?

On walks forward and brings it's hood down to reveal a woman with long white hair and silver eyes. Her lips colored blood red and her cheeks slightly pink. Her skin white and fair.

"Hei mitt navn er indigo Taylor sønn og jeg jobber med Victoria.", the woman says and I am completely confused.

Another steps forward pulls it's hood back as well. A man around 23 looks at me with orange eyes. His black cropped hair slightly in his eyes.

"I apologize.. She speaks Norwegian so she is not too familiar on English. She said, 'Hello. My name is Indigo Taylorson and I am working with Victoria. But we all are. My name is Darriian Mofett. What is your name?",  the man says. His Australian accent showing quite brilliantly.

"My name is Octavia.. Octavia Blake.. Why am I here?", I say staring at everyone else who hasn't brought down their hoods.

Darriian must have noticed my stares and stares at everyone. "Hoods down.."

Everyone pulls their hoods down and they all stare at me. "Introduce yourselves.. Don't be rude..", Darriian says.

A small boy walks forward and he looks around the age of twelve. "Hello.. My name is Sebastian.. I am from North Dakota.."

Then a woman around thihe age of fifty walks forward. "Hi there. I am Edna Flowers. I am from Italy."

A man with grey hair and small eyes walks forward. He looks to be Chinese and he bows. He walks backwards and holds hand with the woman. "This is Gerard Flowers, my husband."

I nod my head and we continue. A teenage girl around my age with jet black hair and pure white eyes look my way but not at me. "Hello. My name is Caroline. As you can tell, I am blind."

Then last but not least... I gasp as I lock eyes with him.. It's him.. The one from my dream and the one that knocked me out.. I growl loudly and he seems unfazed by this. It just makes me even angrier.

I go to lunge forward but I couldn't. My hands were tied to the table with chains. I growl as I pull on the just to be burned. I growl in frustration.

I stare at the Australian man and glare at him.. "What am I doing here?", I yell at him.

"We are here to help you. We had to pretend we were on Victoria' side. We know you despise her and so do we. So let us help you. Wesley had to get you here somehow... Now, Octavia.. Do you want to take down Victoria with us or will you die when she finds out you are faking your loyalty?", he says and all of them nod their heads in agreemeng. When her name rolled off of Darriian's tongue, everyone growled or glared at the ground.

They all looked at me waiting for my answer and I wait a few seconds.. Should I do it? They could be pranking me or fooling me? But this could be my chance to kill her and be with Jacob once again.. I've made up my mind..

I look up to meet Darriian's eyes..

"I'm in."

OKAY. So that was interesting. Well I hope you enjoyed. I just want to shout out alliekatt314. I want you guys to go read her Reyna Swan series. She is the one who gave me inspiration to write this book so thank you!  She is amazing and funny. So that's the chapter. Stay tuned and I love you guys! Ciao!

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