-Leonardo Dicaprio-

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 Your P.O.V

August 26, 2008 - Tuesday   

     "Hey," I look up from my 'not-so-delicious' and 'not-so-bad' lunch, Seeing the familiar guy I saw yesterday at the bus. "Mind if I sit here?" He asks, Placing his hand on top of the chair.

"Ah, Go on ahead." I say back. He takes a seat in front of me while placing his tray of food on to the table.

"So, my parents taught me to not talk to any strangers..." I say, Trying to avoid the silence and awkwardness floating between us. I look at him for a while, He realizes me looking at him as he stops eating, And then he gives me a confused look.

It took him a couple of seconds to get what Im saying, while I sat there, waiting to get the answer I want.

"Oh- Ah, I get what you mean now."

Geez, he's slow.

"Sorry for not introducing myself earlier,... My name's June." He says, "Like the month?" He smiles at my response,

"Yeah, Like the month."

"Anyways, What's your name?" He questions, "(Y/n)." I answer.

"Nice name, suites a beautiful girl like you." I blush by his remark, I scoffed, "You must be delusional, Get your eyes checked because you might be blinded by illusions." I awkwardly let out a small laugh, looking away.

He smiles, "You know, for a matter of fact, I did go to an eye doctor yesterday; Saying I had 20/19 vision. You must be blinded by your made up lies about yourself then?" He grins, Taking the win. I scowled at him, my eyes narrowed and my eyebrows furrowed.

I put up my hands in the air, "You win." I say, a fake dirty look on my face; shaking my head side to side.

"Do I get any rewards?" He eagerly said, Leaning against the table.

"Wait," I rummage through my pocket to see if I had any thing I could give to him as a 'reward'. Of course, I didn't really think of giving him a decent gift.

Coins... Paper...

A playful smirk appeared on my face, I tried desperately hiding it. I didn't want to be suspicious.


I looked up at him; Seeing him jumping on his seat anxiously.

"I have a lot of stuff in my pocket, Heh."

Then, I remembered that I got bubblegum earlier from my dad when I was about to go to school. I saw it a little off, but of course, I grabbed it and realized it was an empty pack as my fingers inspected the feeling of bubblegum nowhere.

Seriously, Why do bubblegum companies do this? You get our hopes up high for nothing. A perfect example of having a crush on someone you thought liked you.

"Aha!" He backed away from my sudden raised voice. "Found it!" I say, grinning evily ear to ear.

I gave the empty pack of bubblegum, and he smiles innocently at it. That smile soon fades away as he felt the feeling of being played.

"...You monster." He says, Pinning me down with his eyes on my seat.

"What can I say? I'm the most evil monster ever. Wanna join my army? We can be evil together." I smile. Though, I soon notice that it was a very weird thing to say, I cringed at the thought of me saying it to myself. I could just feel what he was feeling...


"Of course!" He stands unexpectedly from his seat, the seat let out a loud sound as it got pushed away. An amount of people looked at us, And I swear, I became Professor Xavier for a moment. Because I can just read what there thoughts were.

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