Chapter 2

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This chapter has strong language so don't read if you don't like.

You've been warned!

One small mistake that's all it took for me now to be sat in the principals office with my 'Partner in crime' Aaron, as Mr Jennings said so him self. It wasn't my fault that we got court, in fact it was Aaron's flat for insulting him in the first place! All I wanted to do was have a little fun, but could I have that with out being dragged down in the trouble too one answer. NO!

"Now Lauren and Aaron do you know what you did was incredibly rude and ... and oh never mind you know what you did was wrong." Sit trust to say in an intimidating voice.

" Yes sir we most certainly do but my friend here only wanted to take a sip from my drink because he was parched and needed to quench hid thirst." I say in my most incident voice. Well the thing is with our principal you throw a few posh words in the sentence and he completely forgives you. Weard huh?

"Well Lauren since you did put it in a nice way I will forgive you." Sir smile.

I look at Aaron and give him a wink and in return he smiles brightly.

When sir has his back to us I lean close to Aaron and whisper. " Your welcome you ass this is all your fault if you hadn't insulted him or mentioned the game we meaning you wouldn't be in this mess, needing me to drag you out of this." I gesturing to the principal.

"Well for your information it's your fault because your the one who suggested that I eat the gum, smart ass!" He points to me accusingly with a frown on his face.

"What? Your accusing me out of all people your accusing me! F**k man you need to get your head checked!" Now I'm angry like really angry.

"Wow calm down! I'm joking I know it's my fault and I guess I'm sorry."

"Oh okay as long as you don't do it again, I mean we can still have fun. Truce!" I say holding my pinky out gingerly but he takes it and I now we have a truce.

The principal turns around to us and I pull my hand away to quickly that a ring I'm wearing snags on Aaron's sleeve. Great! I Fidel with my ring trying to untangle it but I can't so I give it a little tug for the second, time I hear a sound of riding fabric. I look down to Aaron's shirt now has a... well BIG hole in it now. Oh s**t!

"I'm so sorry! So sorry!" I whisper.

"It okay I have others just don't rip them." He jokes.

"Well yeah of course, I can pay for it."

"No need to do that any way sir looks just about finished."

I look to were the principal is. He's just clipping some papers together and occasionally looking at me. What have I done now.

"Right Aaron you may leave but Lauren you need to stay." He says looking at me over his glasses.

Aaron gets off his chare and gives me a little wave, lucky son of a fudge muffin
I turn in my chair to see the principal stating at me.

"Okay what did I do this time."

"Oh nothing I just wanted to talk to you about the collage in England."

"Do you mean that London collage."

"Yes, me and the school would like you to reconsider your option."

"I'm not going I don't want to plus were am I supposed to stay."

"How about your Dad he still lives in London, I'm sure he wouldn't mind having you stay with him."

My Dad I hadn't thought of him in a long time, just thinking of him now brings back a load of memories, happy memories, he wasn't a bad person it's just I guess I miss him more than I realised.

"My Dad I haven't seen him in eleven years, what makes you think that he want to see me." I say trying to keeping my tears at bay.

"Lauren don't think like that, come on once you were a happy girl that never got into trouble, look at you now what made you change." He asks concerned.

"Nothing sir. Now may I leave." I answer him in a short tone. I need space to think about this all. For once my mind is not in the clouds it's focused on one thing. My dad.

"Yes you may leave now, but please think about the collage, please."

"I will." I get up from my chair and leave. I start to racking my brain some where quiet some where secret where I can be left alone to think.

The old library no one went there anymore it was forgotten you could even say abandoned, it sure looked that way. That place has a lot of memories some good some bad ... well now a days it was a place I went to hide my pain and now I needed it more than ever.


London, dad, collage those thoughts swim in my head, all I want to do is just forget and live my happy life "Urgh." I sigh angrily getting all worked up "Why me of people urgh!" I'm so angry I throw my fist at the wall.

"Ow you f***king pieces of s**t!" I screech holding my now swollen hand. So many emotions are running through me I can't hold it on any longer. I put my back to the cold brick wall and slide down it in a fit of tears. My tears abruptly stop when I hear foot steps coming closer, I grab the closes thing to me ... a dictionary. Great!

"Lauren it's me Maddie are you up here!" She calls out. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, but then I remember she left me in English for Marcus. Rage takes over me I throw the book it just skims Maddie's face, her eyes go wide with fear.

"You b**ch you left me for him. Is that all you care about? Because if it is that's not the Madison Taylor I know!" I shout shaking with anger.

"Lauren where is this coming from. We're friends remember!" She began to rase her voice.

"Maddie! You left me for a boy friends don't do that!"

"Wow you have no room to talk you've lost it too remember. You and Luke, don't forget I was the first person you told!" She says with a smug smile on her face.

She's happy!

Her smile drops when she sees my expression change into something much darker. I lunge for her tackling her to the ground.

I straddle her while I pull her face inches away from mine I whisper to her "You don't  ever get to say his name! Ever! It's all your fault you coursed me so much pain! You b**ch! All because you couldn't keep your dirty little hands to your self, but you know what you coursed him so much more pain!" I tighten me hold on her jaw.

She looks at me with plead in her eyes "Pleas no more. No more." She quietly sods. I let go of her face but make sure she knows not to mention him againe.

"We'll never be the same againe, I've tried Maddie but it's no use. I tried to make you feel better as if it wasn't your fault but instead of forgetting you laid blame on me." I say quietly kit look at her. So many suppressed memory's I wish I could erase.

My past is to dark to forget.

Hi guy so we've now seen the different side to Lauren. What do you think to much .

Ok I need to you guys to help me, so I have Stephen James as the main male lead but how do you want Lauren to be Please comment so I know

Natalie xx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2017 ⏰

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