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Michael Clifford, he was your average high school student. Nobody ever noticed him, except for when he dyed his hair crazy colours, and he had one friend, Luke Hemmings. They were inseparable, though, and Michael didn't really mind that he wasn't the most social person there was. He was happy like this.

Calum Hood, he was your popular high school student. He wasn't the best football player or something, no, he was part of the drama club, but because of his good looks and amazing talent, everybody loved him. He was friendly and never got in a fight with anybody.

They were a lot of people who had a tiny crush on the dark haired boy, but Michael, oh, he was practically in love with the boy. Michael was part of the drama club as well, but he was part of the technical crew. Calum and he never really talked, but Calum always smiled at him whenever their paths crossed, or thanked him whenever there had been a show and the technical parts like music or lights had been done right.

Every smile made Michael's heart leap, every word spoken made the butterflies in his stomach break out. Michael felt so blessed he got the chance of seeing Calum rehearse and perform every single day. His voice was like an angel, and whenever the school performed a musical, Michael had the chance of listening to Calum singing. It was the best thing ever, or so the coloured haired boy thought.

Michael was sitting in the cafeteria when his best friend Luke came up to him.

"Hey Mikey, what are you doing?" he asked, sitting down next to the boy, who was busy writing things down on a piece of paper.

"The list," Michael mumbled. He didn't want anyone to hear, Luke was the only person who knew about the list Michael was making, and he had promised not to tell anybody.

"Again? Mikey, I really think you just need to talk to him, otherwise you're not going to get over your crush," Luke sighed. He knew about Michael's love for Calum, but he didn't want Michael getting hurt, he just wanted the boys to be a couple.

"I can't! Whenever he gets even near me, I start stuttering and sweating and I don't want him to see me like that," Michael objected Luke's idea.

"Okay, fine, let me see the list again," Luke said, taking the piece of paper from his best friend.

Michael had once made a list, about a year ago, titled 'reasons to date Calum Hood'. It had started as some sort of joke, but as time passed, the list became longer and longer. Now, it wasn't some type of creepy list with things like his appearance. No, it was actually really sweet. Michael noticed little details about Calum from when he had to practice, and the list focussed on how Calum was a beautiful person, looks and personality wise.

Luke's smile grew as his eyes scanned over the list. At first, he thought it was a little bit weird, but he knew Michael really liked the Maori, so it was okay. Michael didn't write his name on the list, in fear he would somehow lose it one day and another person would find it and know it was from him.

"Here, put this away, before it gets lost," Luke said, handing the piece of paper back to Michael as the bell rang, "I need to go now, miss Jones will kill me if I'm late once again."

Michael stood up as well, he needed to get to his English class. He needed to get to his locker first, to put the list in there, so he quickly took it, together with the other papers that were spread out on the table, and walked through the hallways quickly.

Before he could reach his locker, though, somebody bumped into him, making Michael fall down, together with all the papers he was holding.

The person who had bumped into him didn't even glance at Michael, running further.

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