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***** TOBINS POV *****

I didn't know how long it had been, but it'd been too long since Christen left. I decided I shouldn't let Alex see me like this, especially since I was a crying mess and didn't feel the need to see Alex. I don't see why Christen thought I did.

I quickly reached for a pair of shoes before making my way out the door. My hair was in a bun and I only had a hoodie and shorts on me. Maybe walking around would make me feel better.

I reached the elevator and cursed as soon as it opened. Christen was standing there tapping her foot. Hopefully she wouldn't look up and notice me.

"Tobin? What are you doing I told you to wait in the room." Christen said touching my shoulder. I was angry, sure, but her touch brought comfort and for some reason I didn't jerk away.

"Chris... Can I call you that? I'm a grown woman, I don't need a babysitter." I argued, hoping she's drop it.

Christen nodded.
"Ok... Alex wasn't in her room. I don't know where she is since I saw her in the hallway when I was out there while you were talking to Skyler.."

I pressed the lobby button and the elevator shifted.

"Wait... You saw her? What'd she say?" I asked.

The door opened and I walked out, expecting Christen to follow me, which she did.

"She asked why I was sitting outside in the hallway and I said that you were skyping with Skyler... She kind of stormed off into the elevator after that. I thought she was going to her room but I guess she's out too." She mumbled at the end.

I turned around quickly before going outside of the hotel.

"Look... I think I need to be alone. Don't take it personal, just need to focus." I said, hoping she wouldn't feel bad. I liked having her around.

"You're unstable right now, I don't think you should be alone, especially out in germany at sunset. Let me walk with you..."


"We don't have to talk just let me walk with you. It's like I'm not even here." She interrupted before I could deny again.

I just raised an eyebrow at her and shrugged. I guess having the presence of someone wouldn't hurt. She grinned and walked a bit behind me. We walked towards a near by soccer field to our hotel. Well... I did, and she followed.

"You don't have to walk behind me like a puppy you know." I looked over my shoulder to the brunette. "I don't bite." I added my own smirk at the end. She returned the smile and increased her pace to walk by my side.

"A soccer field?" She said looking down the hill to a small grass soccer field. "We have a game tomorrow, you know that right? You should just rest."

I chuckled a bit at her concern.

"I'm not gonna do anything, do you see a soccer ball anywhere near me?"
She smiled at me once again and shook her head, a bit of her shyness showing.

I sighed as we walked down to the field. We continued walking until we were in the dead center of the field, where a lot of soccer games kicked-off before.

The sun was going down and I took of my shoes, letting the cool grass touch my bare feet. I never was a big fan of shoes anyways. I took a deep breath in and out before sitting down and laying down. I truly didn't know what I was doing. Did I truly love Alex? Had I just broken up with Skyler? Why did this green eyed girl beside me bring me comfort? All I know is that don't want to hurt anybody. Skyler, Alex, or Christen. I say christen because I've only known her a couple of weeks and I don't want to drive her away with my issues. She's been a really good friend so far.

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