Chapter 3

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He repeated himself, " Daisy, don't hide. I need to speak with you." I shook my head repeatedly and ducked back behind the trashcan, thinking he might have a weapon and the trash can was my best place to duck and cover.

    I heard him give out a sigh of annoyance. I scoffed.

    "Somebody please help! He's gonna kill me!" I screamed. I heard his rushing footsteps run towards the trashcan I was hiding behind. I screamed as I felt his arm yank me on my feet. He pulled my right arm behind my back, forcefully and he covered my mouth with his free hand while also holding my left arm closely. 

    "I am not going to kill you. I just need to speak with you." He whispered in my ear.

    Shivers ran down my spine as his warm breath blew on the back of my neck. 

    I struggled, but he was stronger than me. I then licked and bit his hand as hard as I could. He yelped in pain and removed his hand from my mouth. I yanked my arms out of his grasp and ran away screaming. I didn't get far, because I froze suddenly and my voice became mute. Why couldn't I move? I was standing completely still, not able to move a muscle. I could hear him give out another annoyed sigh. I was completely vulnerable as I stood frozen.

    I looked out the corner of my eye and I saw him approaching while rubbing the hand I bit.

    "You're bite is certainly worse than your bark." He winced with pain. I wanted to make a remark but I couldn't move my lips to form a witty sentence. All that came out my mouth was a quiet, high pitched whimper. I sounded like an animal stuck in a bear trap.

    "Sorry. I needed to freeze you or you would run away before I could even tell you what I'm here for." He cooed.

    I tried to use all my physical and mental strength to make myself move, but nothing happened. Didn't anyone hear me scream before? I'm not that far away from the front desk. Cindy should have heard me.

    "I'm sorry if this hurts. It wouldn't hurt that much if you were willful to come with me." He sighed. He placed a hand on my shoulder. I felt a sharp pain in my head as a high pitch ringing noise rang out. I felt my head go dizzy and I felt like I was going to fall over if I wasn't frozen. The ringing in my ear got louder and louder and my head kept feelings like it was concert. I was able to close my eyes and I tried to block out the dizziness and the noises, but then new sounds starting ringing through my ear. It sounded like wind wailing through my ears and the ringing sounded like beeping now.    

    Then, everything went quiet. The pain was gone and the sounds all stopped. It was if I was in a show and someone made the sound mute. I tried moving my legs but I was still frozen; I could open my eyes though. My eyes slowly opened and I was blinded by a bright light. I tried moving my hand up to block out the light, but I was still frozen. I quickly shut my eyes again. I felt wind rush through my hair and it felt like I was standing outside in some grass.    

I heard the man chuckle and say, " Sorry, I'll unfreeze you. I suggest you not run away unless you want to fall off the side." What?  I felt my arms slowly regain movement. I gave out a sigh of relief. I still had my eyes closed and I didn't want to open them out of fear of what I might see.

    "Where are we?" I asked. He chuckled again. I scowled, but refused to open my eyes.

    "We are in Fabula."

    "What? How did we get here?" I asked, confused.

    "Open your eyes." He commanded. I obeyed, slowly. I avoided looking at the bright light, what I was guessing to be the sun. I looked around in awe as I saw we were on a small floating island. It was the size of a small pool. It was covered with grass and some flowers. I walked forward and tried to look down to see what was under the floating patch of land. It was clouds. I looked all around me and there were hundreds of islands that were floating that were different sizes. There were some tall patches of land that rose out of the clouds and floated into the sky. The islands would float around, but never bump into each other. There were clouds covering down below as far as I could see. The sight was incredible: I felt like I was dreaming. I then, looked up slightly to see the sky so blue and also to be blinded by the sun. I raised my hand and blocked out the bright rays.

    "How did we get here?" I asked again, a bit panicked.

    "I used a teleportation spell. The person I take with me when I teleport has to be willing to go with me or it can cause side effects like migraines, seeing blotches of colors, and also-" I interrupted him.

    "So, what you're trying to tell me is that we teleport-ed up here?" I yelled. He smirked at me and nodded.

     "Then teleport me back to the school!" I demanded.

    "No can do. I need your help, Daisy." He chuckled. I avoided getting too close to the edges of the island, worried I might fall off by accident, or he might push me.

    "How do you know my name?"

    "I've been watching over you." He said casually, taking out a pocket watch and checking the time.

    "What? So, you've been stalking me!" I screamed.

    "No, I've been watching you through eyes of children, since you work around so many." Everything he said made no sense.

    "Who the hell are you?"

    "My name is Aylward, and I protect this place." He motioned his arms outward, while also revealing the stars under his suit cape that still seemed to glow even with it so sunny out.

    "Well, good for you. Take me home!" I demanded.

    "I told you, I can't just yet. This world needs your help." He checked his watch again and his eyes went wide.

    "We're late. Come on." He took a hold of my hand and started running towards the edge. I tried to dig my heals in the dirt, but he kept running.

    "Stop! What are you doing?" I screamed. I struggled to make him let my hand go, but it was too late, we jumped and plummeted towards the clouds below us. We were just near going through the puffy clouds when we were pulled upward, back into the sky. 

    "What's going on?" I screamed, holding tightly to his hand.

    "Just extend your legs out and start walking." He said in a calm manner. He took a hold of both my hands and went behind me. He was much taller than me so he was holding my hands up above my shoulders. 

    I did what he told me to do and we started floating, just like the islands. I put one leg out, then the other. We were walking in the air!

    "There you go. You got it." His voice was deep and reassuring, but he still was super crazy. I chuckled nervously and kept going. Since there was no ground below me, my legs would sort of flop down while I walked. My sleeveless jean dress blew in the wind's direction. My brown sandals almost slipped off my feet a couple of times.

    "Where are we going?" I yelled since the wind was kind of loud

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    "Where are we going?" I yelled since the wind was kind of loud.

    "Where you're needed." He looked down at me and smiled, while looking into my eyes, and I looked up at him and smiled back.

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