Chapter 6

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The silence was awful. I looked at one member of the council, to another. There was six of them. Two were women and they both wore warm orange robes. There was 4 men and they wore the same thing as the women. Each member looked at me differently and it made me slightly concerned since each of them had different thoughts about me. The women had a skeptical look, but they were smiling slightly. Two of the men looked at my like I was a animal in a cage at the public zoo. The last two looked confused and stern. I knew none of them were going to start a conversation, so I had to. 

"Hello, I'm Daisy-" I was quickly interrupted by one of the stern looking men. 

"We are fully aware of who you are Ms. Miller." He sighed. All the members looked down at me from their raised bench.  

"I know, I just was trying to ask a question." I squeaked. I think I was too quiet since one of the ladies yelled down at me, "What, dear? Speak up." 

"I wanted to ask you a question." I spoke up. my fists were in a tight ball and they hung at my side. They all intimated me. I was extremely nervous and I just wanted to leave the huge dim room that looked like a court room. 

"Well then, spit it out." The stern man yelled down at me.

" Was my mother here once? Her name is Andy." I needed to know about my mother. I haven't spoke to her in months and I don't know where she went. 

"Yes, she's Fabulan. She was born and raised here. She is one of us, and so are you. When she was pregnant with you, we made her fully aware of you having a great power inside you, so we felt it was safer if you were born in the mundane world, away from Claec." He sighed and he spoke softly. He spoke as if he knew my mother.

"Who?" I asked.

"He is the definition of darkness. His name means 'dark'. He is corruption and death who was born from shadows fueled by all sorts of negative emotions and he has caused five of our countries to fall into darkness. We only have 8 left. " He sighed and rubbed his white bearded chin. 

"Who was my mom? Was she important?" I asked. One of the men spoke. He looked like was 60. 

"No, not really. She was a wife of a lord and we saw a vision she was going to bare a child that would put to rest the years of darkness we have endured." He spoke stiffly. 

"So, you don't know where she is?" I sighed.

"No, I'm sorry dear, but she has used some sort of magic to prevent us from finding her. We don't know why shes hiding, but we would prefer it if we could keep an eye on her. We still know she is in the mundane word." One of the women spoke. This was still all to much to process. I still didn't believe it. I was important?  Then I realized I had a dad?

"Wait, who was my dad?" I yelled louder than I should've. 

"A lord by the name of Joshua. He died while protecting your mother." The lady spoke again with no sympathy or apology. 

"So, he was a good man? My mom never spoke of him." I sighed.

"I suppose, since he died protecting our future." The lady sighed and I could tell she wanted to get back to me. I gave out an annoyed sigh realizing where this was headed. 

"I'm suppose to, what, defeat this 'Claec' guy?" I felt like I was in a movie and especially one of those crappie made movies with fake explosions and bad makeup. 

"Not yet. You have not awakened your abilities." They spoke. They all sounded the same; Old, stern, and stiff. I hated them. They were the people that the Fabulans looked to for help? I didn't understand why. They seemed righteous, but not kind. They acted like they didn't care if a couple people died to save thousands. 

"I don't want to kill anyone." I spoke sternly, but I was still a bit nervous. They still intimidated me. 

"He has killed thousands of Fabulans and he won't stop, so refusing to stop the darkness he has spread over the land, is as if you are killing the people of this land yourself." One of the men shouted down at me in a stern voice, as if I was a dog he was disciplining. 

"I can't kill anyone." I repeated myself.

"Define 'can't'." One of the women spoke down at me. 

"It would make me no better than him if I killed him." I kept my fists locked at my side and in a tight ball. 

"You would be killing one man! He has killed thousand maybe millions if he is not stopped." One spoke loudly, but didn't yell. 

"Maybe even all of us, including you!" another member of the council joined in.

"You can't just drag me to a weird place that is floating in the damn sky and expect me to do whatever you want! I know I was suppose to dream about this place and want to come here on my own, but I would never dream to kill." I spoke crisply, making sure all of them could hear me. I heard a soft voice speak,

"We know this a lot to ask, and we apologize we forced this upon you child, but people are suffering." I realized the other women who hasn't talked yet was the one who was speaking. 

"It's just a lot to take in. I was a counselor at a middle school in a bubbled town, where barley any crime happens. My life has just taken a weird turn and I'm still confused." I looked directly in the quiet women eyes. She looked as if she is a grandmother. 

"I know and I will help you with anything you need, so take your time. If you do not wish to help us, we will try to look for another gifted child." She nodded at me and gave me a warm smile. The other members looked like they wanted to speak, but they kept their mouths shut. 

"There are others?" I asked.

" Not in this time no, but there might be another child born in 3,400 million years." She spoke quietly and I could tell she was trying to guilt trip me and it was working. I gave out a groan and a sigh,

 "I'll think about it. Can you give me time to soak this all in? It won't be too long, I promise." 

"Of course, dear." She smiled and nodded. The other members scoffed and sighed. 

"You may leave us." One of the older men spoke. He raised his hand and shooed me out. I felt a force grabbed me and quickly fling me out the iron door that suddenly slammed opened behind me, the same one I entered through. I stopped in the middle of the castles foyer and I fell backwards on my bottom. I groaned and watched the iron door slam shut with a loud BANG.

"How was it?" The old man chuckled as he looked down at me on the floor. 

"I think they liked me." I said sarcastically. I chuckled and stood on my feet. 

"Don't worry, you won't have to speak with them often." Alyward approached behind me and gave a deep snicker. I turned around, quickly to see him with a black cane in his hand and he didn't have his cape on. It was a bit disappointing because it was very beautiful. 

"They told me they would give me time to get use to all of this before they would try to 'awaken' my abilities." I gave a low groan. 

"I'm sure Reagan was the one who allowed you to get use to things here, am I correct?" The old man spoke. 

"The nice quiet one?" I asked. 

"Yes, she has always been a kind soul, but it also helps her to get what she wants."He gave out an old, husky chuckle. 

"If you wish to get use to things here, you should wear the proper attire." Alyward wrapped his arm around mine and lead me out of the foyer while the old man quickly followed behind. 

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