Chapter 6: Grow Up

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××Brianna in the MM××
(A'Raya's POV)

After getting off of work, I drive over to my God-parents house. Since Christina had asked me to come over, so that her and Isaac can fill me in on college.

Walking up to their door, I rang the bell and wait. About a good few seconds later, Chris opens up the door and let's me inside.

"Hey, we in the living room" she says closing the door behind her.

I walk into their modern living room, greeted by none other than Bae himself.

I walk into their modern living room, greeted by none other than Bae himself

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"Hi" he speaks, looking up from his phone.

"Hi" I smile, sitting down.

Christina then comes over and sits by Isaac, which is directly across from where I'm sitting.

"So how was work?" she asks.

"Uh..the usual"

"Oh okay, well what field are you thinking about getting in to?


"So is he" ...yeah I'm well aware😏

I watch Chris try to get Isaac's attention from off his phone...which I'm pretty sure he's probably talking to a bunch of girls on😒

"I'm a let y'all have a turn at talking while I go call my wife, so that she'll  bring me some chicken home" Chris gets up, making us both laugh.

"So um...Do you want to be a nurse or Doctor?" he asks.

"A nurse"

"What kind?"

"Um...either neonatal or MidWife"

"Ah...a baby doctor huh?"

"Yeah, I love babbies"

"Awe. How many you want?"

I practically melt in my chair when he asks me this question. I wanted to say "how ever many you want baby😏" but wouldn't that be awkward.

"Maybe...4 or 3. How ever many the dad wants"

"Oh, I'm sure he'd love that option...well if he likes kids" he chuckles.

"Yeah but how many for you?"

"Um. Same, how ever many my wife wants. I love kids too" ...mmm😏

I smile thinking about us having kids one day😏👪💗👶👫💑💏🎓

I smile thinking about us having kids one day😏👪💗👶👫💑💏🎓

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