Nymir again

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Name: Nymir Veidt
Nicknames:Ny or Ice Prince(lol)
Gender: male
Birthday: December 22

Nymir is a mix between an Oni demon and Zrulkin(ice demons) he was raised by his mother til the age of 10 then he ran away after he lost his arm.Nymir loved his parents but he was quite the rebel.Nymir's best friend was Roe Hoon until the got in a fight and Roe Hoon took his arm from him.

Likes:pizza,alchol,sweaters,boots,snakes,bartending,the cold,winter,his parents,the Internet

Dislikes:Roe Hoon,cats,rude people,his boss,books,summer,canes,dancing,shopping,rain,his aunt,prosthetics,running,annoying sounds,loud things

Crush: Roe Hoon(though he claims to hate him)
Best friend:Still Roe Hoon lol(love hate friendship)

Crush: Roe Hoon(though he claims to hate him)Best friend:Still Roe Hoon lol(love hate friendship)

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Lol the Zrulkin thing I tried to make up my own ice demons race lol

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