My Gap Year

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Chapter 1
[Everybody's Got Plans]

"Can you believe it? It's the end of our high school lives!" Casey screamed as she jumped up and down excitedly.

"Haha, I know what you mean, it's like the year flew by," Valerie agreed.

"True. But there's only thing I don't understand, how in the world did Val become this year's valedictorian?" Jamie asked looking at Valerie.

"Oh please, we all know she's a nerd. No surprise there. It's kind of creepy how she transforms into this sort of an almost cool girl the second the exams end," I said pretending to look puzzled.

"Haha, very funny Roxy. And oh please, I know you're just jealous Jam. Besides, everyone knows that we're all alike which is why we get along so well," Valerie reminded us.

"Amen sister. Brains and beauty. That's us," Casey agreed.

"Brains and beauty," we all cooed to together.

"Moving on, what are your plans? You know, now that we have already gotten our results back?" Jamie asked.

"I'm gonna head to medical school," Valerie declared.

"Smartie pants," I murmured under my breath.

Casey heard this and hid a smile.

"Hmm...I think I'm gonna do designing," Casey informed us.

"I'm going to do accounting, just like my father" Jamie said confidently.

"How about you Roxy?" Valerie asked me.

"Well, I haven't decided, I might do medicine or law or maybe even experiment with marketing first," I admitted.

"What?! You haven't decided?!" Jamie asked looking shocked.

"What's the rush? We all decided to take a gap year to figure out what we really want to do, remember?" I reminded them.

All of sudden, everyone started looking sheepish and averted their eyes away from me.

"What? What's with the weird looks?" I asked.

"Um...well...I can't take a gap year, my parents are against the idea," Jamie confessed.

"Same here," both Valerie and Casey echoed.

"Why didn't you guys tell me earlier? I made so many mental plans on where we can go and what we can do! What am I supposed to do now?" I asked feeling slightly irritated and sad.

"You should just go to medical school with me," Valerie suggested.

The others agreed with Valerie's idea.

"We'll see. I'm gonna go home and figure out what to do. Bye guys," I said noncommittally as I waved goodbye.

Casey mouthed the word 'sorry' to me as I climbed into the car. I simply nodded back acknowledging her.

At home...

"Hey honey, how was graduation?" Dad asked me beaming one of those thousand watt smiles.


In my mind I knew that I was taking out my anger at him by being curt. But I had no choice. I didn't want to say anything while I was angry that could hurt him. You know what that say, angry words hurt our loved ones most.
So yup, I was going to be silent, till my brain works things out.

My dad took another look at me assessing my state of mind and sent a signal to my mum requesting backup to handle the situation.

"Sweety, why so glum? Talk to me," my mum asked me with genuine care and concern lacing her voice.

"It's nothing ma. It's just know...remember the plans I made for my gap year? Well now they are completely useless. The gang isn't gonna take a gap year. So what am I supposed to do now? It's like everyone has a plan and my plan has suddenly become invalid," I told her about all my problems in one breath.

"Oh sweety, that's alright, I'm sure we can figure out what career will suit you best together. Don't worry," my mum comforted me.

"Nonsense! My daughter always has a plan. Even if you don't know it Roxy, I do. And who says, that the gap year plan is invalid? So what if your friends aren't taking a gap year? You still can. Besides you will be able to meet new people from different walks of life when you travel. Plus, not being with your friends will help you come out of your shell. It'll be fun. Also, I want you to understand that the gap year isn't only about figuring out a career path but also about having fun and discovering yourself. So what do you say? Let me make arrangements for the flight?" my dad asked me looking at me eagerly.

This is why I'm a daddy's girl. He knows the exact thing to say to break me out of my reverie and get me psyched up. Don't get me wrong, I love my mum and all, but my dad and I have the same brain wave frequency or something.

"Hell yeah!" I exclaimed and fist-bumped my dad.

"That's my girl," my dad smiled.

My mother just looked at us with a smile slowly creeping up her face, shaking her head like 'yup, those two over there are somehow related to me. Only god knows how'

Hello my lovelies!
This is the first chapter of "My Gap Year". So what do you think? Is it good? Do you think it has the prospects of becoming a good story?
Well I hope it does, cause this is a story that is infused with bits of my own personal life.
Of course I'm not gonna tell you which parts ;) but keep guessing.

Continue reading :)

Read,Comment,Vote,Fan. Do one or do all, I'll still be happy as long as you guys read it :)

Much love,

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