Chapter one: #1 fan.

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I zip up my suitcase and put it back to the floor. I'm all set, ready to leave my temporary room, a.k.a my hotel room. A text message from Tom brights up the screen of my phone, so I quickly grab it and unlock it. Maybe he's already waiting at the airport! I can't help but think with a bit of excitement.

Tom<3: babe i won't be able to make it to los angels this time, see you in canada

'This time'? This is the third time he comes up with some plain excuse this month. That's right, I haven't seen my boyfriend of two years since I left home back in London two months ago. He promised me he was going to visit me on set, but so far it's been nothing but white lies and dumb excuses from him. I'm starting to get tired of it, but I really choose not to pay too much mind to it. Sighing, I grab the rest of my stuff along with my hotel key and then I leave the room.

I'm the last one to leave the hotel, everyone else is already at the airport but we weren't leaving to Canada for another hour or so. At least, that's what my new girl friend, Cara Delevingne, said over the phone a couple of minutes ago. I'm tired and my feet are sore. I've been wearing Harley Quinn's high heeled boots day and night for too long now. It feels nice to be able to wear some of my old converse shoes again. I get into the car that's waiting for me outside the hotel, with the help of my bodyguard who's the one getting me through the bunch of restless and annoying paparazzi. I ignore them as I hop into the black vehicle as fast as I can.

When I arrive at the private side of the airport, it doesn't take long for them to guide me to the private jet where all the rest of the Suicide Squad crew is in. With the same tiredness I've been feeling since I woke up this morning, I go in; greeting my workmates, that are actually more than that, really. They're all so sweet and caring. So easy and fun to work with. Honestly, this film has been one of the bestest I've ever gotten to work in and I've been loving every single bit and step of it so far. Plus, there's people that I've already worked with in the past, like Will Smith. He's a sunshine, so funny and overprotective. And my friend Cara, whom I've came across with in the past a couple of times in some events or fashion shows. She is honestly a sweetheart, I couldn't ask for a better set-bestie. I can say I have a great relationship with all of them.

Except one, maybe. Mister I-take-my-job-very-seriously-so-I'm-going-to-ignore-you-as-long-as-I-can, Jared Leto.

You see, he's my Harley's parter, the infamous The Joker. But we haven't filmed any full scenes together just yet. David Ayer, the director of the film, is focusing on the squad scenes first. Then he decided that he would be focusing on Harley and The Joker's scenes because he said something about 'Those two concepts are like two films in one' which is true and makes a little sense if you think about it. Anywho, Leto and I have spoken off camera a total amount of three times in the two months we've been working in the same place and for the same movie. The first time was when we all introduced ourselves. The second was in the meeting we had to discuss our characters. And the rest, well... In the few scenes we've covered of Joker and Harley. And... That's pretty much it.

Don't get me wrong, though. I understand his reasons. He's a method actor, which 90% of the time is very, very intimidating to me and one of the reasons why I haven't dared to speak to him that much... Perhaps a few times but he would be in all his Joker form and it wasn't that comfortable establishing a conversation with a green-haired lunatic, trust me. In addition to that, he was busy with stuff of his band or so I've heard. But, damn boy. It wasn't that hard to socialise with your coworkers for a little bit!

Anyways, it wasn't like I was dying for his attention. Pff.

I take a sit on one of the comfy sofas of the jet and make myself comfortable. I want to give my sore body some rest. I may not be too sleepy, but physically I'm really tired. I fish out my phone from my purse. I click on the Snapchat app and take a quick snap of the crew and then I publish it on my, recently new, account. I got it like a week ago, after Cara insisted for a whole day that I should be more active and updated on social media. We share a couple of laughs before I ditch them and tell them that I just want to chill where I am because I am too comfy and tired to function.

After awhile, I plug in my headphones and click on the shuffle. I relax myself on my seat, closing my eyes and tapping my fingers on my thigh, singing softly.

"To the right, To the left
We will fight to the death
To the edge of the earth
It's a brave new world
From the last to the first..."

I get bored minutes later when one of my favourite songs is over, so I decide to go on Twitter. Something that I don't do very often, but I'm starting to think that I need to be more active on my social media, just like Cara said. She's right, after all. My fanbase is getting bigger and bigger every day that passes, yet I barely interact with any of my supporters. I come to the conclusion that right now is the perfect moment to do so. As I scroll down my timeline, I like a couple of tweets from other celebrities that I follow. I go to my mentions and it's a mess, just like always. Going through your mentions or comments when you're constantly in the spotlight can be very... Wild. It's weird and messy. Like, if you ever thought that you've seen it all, just get into a celebrity's Twitter mentions or Instagram comments, you'll come across some funny, creepy, fascinating, and offensive shit. I have to admit that what I'm reading right now it's pure gibberish. As if people were freaking out for something that I did, I've seen this kind of reaction before.

But, what did I do? I've been on a plane for an hour and I haven't been out and about for weeks now. People usually react like this when I do something, anything, in public or hang out with another celebrity. I keep scrolling down into the madness that is my mentions right now, and then I frown as I keep seeing Jared's name and his twitter username being linked to mine at least a thousand of times. Then there's when I find out why, I gasp. "What in the lord's name..." I hiss under my breath.

Turns out, Jared Leto has posted on his Snapchat story a snap of me lying on the sofa, my back if facing him while I'm distractingly signing the lyrics to This Is War. He captioned it with a "30 Seconds 2 Mars #1 biggest fan 👍🏼".

And because, apparently, I'm dumb enough to forget that the singer of one of my favourite songs actually works with me, I find myself blushing in embarrassment.

Oh, great, Margot. You just exposed yourself as the #1 fan of your #1 biggest hater. Bravo.


hello there! So i'm making this little note cause i would like to make clear some things before everything goes on. This is my first ever Jargot fic. I recently found out about this ship and I'm beyond obsessed with them. It's beautiful, they're both so beautiful and talented and look amazing together. They would make beautiful babies! Anyways, so I don't know why I'm writing this fic! It happened out of the blue! I just started typing and then I couldn't stop till I came up with this. Now, I just wanted to clarify that English is NOT my first language and this is my VERY FIRST time writing something in English without having to translating it first (which is the reason why the narrative is quite simple and not so detailed enough). I finally decided to be brave and this is my first time trying! I'm pretty sure there are plenty of mistakes so I'm gonna ask you to pleaaaaase, bear with me. I'm trying to do my best and hopefully I'll improve along the way. If you see any errors, please feel free to correct me! I won't be mad, I really want to learn and be better at it. :)

If anyone read this, please comment and vote so I know if i should continue with the story! Thank you!! ❤️

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