Music Box

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Music Box

"I'm breaking up with you."

My boyfriend, Tim, looked so stunned with my statement. I maintained my straight face to show him that I'm not kidding. I really want to break things with him because I've had enough of our boring and senseless relationship. I want something new and someone more exciting than him.

Tim's eyes started to well up and in a cracked voice,he asked, "W-why, Aya? What have I done wrong?"

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. When I met Tim for the first time, I found his awkwardness and nerdness interestingly cute. He's like a breath of fresh air but as our relationship progressed, I started to get irritated by his appearance. I'm beginnng to be ashame of him especially when we're with my friends. My buddies always make hilarious remarks with the way he dresses up and I hate it. I want my friends to be envious of me because I have the most handsome guy but that's not going to happen if Tim is my man. He's far from being handsome with his huge eyeglasses and his stick-like body.

I must have been crazy when I agreed to be his girlfriend.

"I realized that it's not you that I want to be with. I want someone whose strong enough to protect me, someone whose face and body appears like those of the Gods. I'm tired of you being the laughing stock of my friends. I want someone more exciting because honestly, you bored me to death!"

Tim wiped his eyes using his thin fingers and stared at me with his sad eyes.

"I thought you love me?"

"That's what I also thought and I was wrong."

I stared at the monitor of our fourteen inches television, particularly at the face of the most valuable player of the game whose being interviewed by the sports caster. By the way he speaks, you can sense his overflowing confidence and I can't help but feel a pang of pain in my chest.

Five years had passed and Tim changed a lot. Gone were the eyeglasses and the thin figure. Who would have thought that he'll be a basketball star? I never thought that he'll change and I admit, I regretted that day I let him go.

Since our break-up, we didn't saw each other again. He transferred to another school and I got busy hunting for guys that I thought I like.

My thoughts was distracted when I felt a hard tap on my back. My face got distorted because of pain.

"Did you cooked for dinner, yet? Stop watching that asshole and start doing your duties!"

Smirking, I looked back at the douchebag standing proudly. As days passed, my anger for him is leveling up. I think I really have a serious brain damage because I ended up with this jerk.

Carlo was the varsity player way back in college and now, a varsity bum who loves bossing me around. If not for our parents, we'll both die of hunger. This jerk doesn't want to work. His laziness is over the top. I really wanna kill myself for giving in to him. He is so good with words and I got persuaded.

Back then, I was sure he's the right guy. Popular, lean, muscular, good-looking and every girls dream. Now, I doubted my ability of judgement towards other people. His popularity reached his pea-sized brain and it drowned him. Years passed so fast that I can't remember how he bacame a big-bellied jerk now.

"Why don't you do it? I'm tired of washing your filthy clothes all day!" I yelled.

His facial exression turned hard."It's your duty! You are my wife and you should do everything for me!"

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