Into the Desert

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ripped it from the net

Thanks to foxfire

Into the Desert by foxfire

Summary: PART 2 OF MY INTO THE WORLD SERIES: It's been over 3 years since Naruto left her to go on his training mission, and Hinata has grown into a strong young woman. Now she's being sent to Suna on her own special mission, and life will never be the same again

Categories: Het Romance > Top Six Pairs > Naruto and Hinata Characters: None

Genres: None

Warnings: None

Challenges: None

Series: Into the World

Chapters: 4 Completed: No Word count: 27207 Read: 4567 Published: 27/09/06 Updated: 17/12/06

1. Suprises by foxfire

2. Tradition by foxfire

3. Strangers by foxfire

4. Memories by foxfire

Suprises by foxfire

Author's Notes:

*appears in a puff of smoke with Chibi-Kyubi on her shoulder and a loud fanfare*

Behold! The moment you've all...well...many of you anyways..been waiting for!

The Sequel to "Into the Woods"!

But...before we get started... kyubi...please do the honors :)

*chibi-kyubi hops down and pulls a large sticker out of his pocket and slaps it at the top of the story*

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Nice job Kyubi! *chibi-kyubi beams and does a happy dance*

Alright then, just a quick note here. IF you're reading this, AND you haven't read "Into the Woods" yet...STOP! This is the sequel to it, and you will probably enjoy it much more if you read "Woods" first. Then again, do what you will..I'm just saying.

Ok, time to start our next

Before we go does anybody have to go to the bathroom? No?



The day broke cold but brilliant in Haitsuchi, and the sleepy but prosperous mountain village was buzzing with activity quite early today. Women were packing up heavy bags of goods which the men were loading up onto the wagons lined up near the entrance gates. The caravan, their lifeline to the outside world, was leaving today for Iwagakure. Vendors had opened their shops early, and children bounced around in excitement, watching the pack animals be harnessed and lead to their respective carts. The whole place was filled with the air or anticipation, as if it were a festival day.

To an outsider, you would never recognize how rich these people really were. Their homes sat above one of the wealthiest mines in the entire Earth Country, the extinct volcano providing them with a veritable treasure trove of diamond and precious minerals. And while it was true these families were wealthy in ways most people never knew, they were simple and kindhearted. Life was hard on the mountainside, and with the terrain to rocky and barren for farmland, they depended heavily on other villages for their survival. The chill in the air made them nervous, and the smell of the coming snows meant this caravan would be the last to leave for a while, and would hopefully return in time to beat the looming winter.

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