Lone Flower

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Copyright © 2017 by SG All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 1: Lone Flower

Are you happy?

I honestly couldn't tell you what happiness feels like anymore

- Unknown


Dear Diary

I feel numb. It's been 24hours since my parents were pronounced dead. 24hours since the car accident. This doesn't seem real . It can't be.


"Sarah" I jolted my head up to take glimpse of the person calling my name. I closed my diary and held it up to my chest. A lady with black long hair was stamding in front of me with a bottle of water in her hand.

Her attire was business like. Closed toed black heals with a button up white long sleeve shirt and a pencil skirt that stopped right at her knees.

"Here" She extended her hand out to me.Her face held an expression of pity and compassion. I took the bottle in my hand opening it up and placing it to my lips.

I groaned lightly as the cold water trickled down my throat. I haven't eaten or drank anything in hours. Everytime they offered me I refused. I didn't want it. I was in that car with them. My fathers eyes were on mine instead of On the road the second before the accident. It's all my fault. I don't deserve anything.

I rubbed my eyes with the palm of my hands to wipe away the tears that were threatening to come out and I sighed .

"uh yes sorry " my voice barely came out in a whisper. My throat still felt dry. I didn't have the energy to speak anymore up. " I'm Sonia Jefferson from child services and I'm here to give you some information about where you and your brother will be placed" Great.

I peaked up at her. It looked as if she was contemplating weather to continue speaking or not. I waited patiently in my seat. " I know this is really hard for you. I can't imagine how you feel. We get kids that lost there parents coming in the system almost everyday " She paused for a second.

" I'm not going to sugarcoat anything, I rather tell you before you find out yourself. I have some bad news "

Bad? Define bad. I don't think my day can get any more worse then it already is. I lost both of my parents . I placed the bottle of water on top of the chair next to me . She adjusted her black pencil skirt lowering it a bit.

I glanced around the hospital waiting for her to speak. " one of the hardest things in this job for me has to be splitting up siblings. I really tried to keep you and your brother together but.." I sat up in my seat "but?... But what ?"

"Well because of your age you must be put into a group home. Your seventeen you turn eighteen in a couple of months correct" she stayed quiet for a bit as if to let me soak in everything she had said so far. I shook my head lightly.

I didn't want to hear any of this but she continued anyways. " I found a couple that are willing to take him in. They're great people, and they have two kids so Anthony will be fine.

" Ge needs me and I need him " I interrupted . "Were the only family we have left." mrs.jefferson cleared her throat , she picked up the water bottle placing it on the floor and sat down next to me. She placed her hand on my shoulder rubbing it lightly. " I can try and give you two visitation" I lowered my eyes "I can't loose him to " I whispered.

" I mean think about him. He doesn't even know what's going on. You can't just send him to a couple of strangers and expect him to be okay with it" I stood up from the chair. It feels as if my life is falling apart. like a couple of stacked up toy blocks that have just been kicked down by some little kid.

"im sorry. " Those were the only two words that came out her mouth. As if sorry was just supposed to fix everything. As if sorry was going to keep me and my little brother together. As if sorry was going to bring both of my parents back to me...

" come on are you ready to go?" I lowered my eyes to the ground "Can I see him" she stood up from the chair . " yes but only for a few" I nodded my head and watched her walk off. I can't really blame her for what's going on. I could sit here and argue with her all day but honestly it wouldn't do any good.

I approached room four where my brother was in and I walked inside. The sound of beeping filled my ears. Anthony was layed sprawled on the bed. The sound of the tv filled the room and the sun light that peaked threw the window brightened it. " hi buddy" I smiled sitting on the edge of the bed.

Anthony is my only brother. He's twelve years old. He had these small freckles surrounding his cheeks and these green eyes that could brighten anyone's day. Anthony sat up in the hospital bed and engulfed me in a hug. " how you feelin? We parted and he sat in front of me. His Legs crossed. I reached out my hand and passed my fingers through his soft long blonde hair.

The sound of a small sniffle filled my ears. " Hey... buddy look at me" His head stayed down. I took a deep breath and I closed my eyes. " There gone" I opened them once I heard the sound of his voice. He was looking at me with tears in his yes and that right there had almost broke me down. My bottom lip trembled a little as I held back a sob. I wanted nothing more to just let everything out but I have to be strong for him... he cant see me cry. His voice came out in a sob " Were gonna get through this okay " my lips trembled a bit as I held back a cry, I didn't even believe the words that came out my mouth. I have to be strong for him though. I can't let him see me cry.

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