Chapter Four

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Reader, over the years she and Anna have been busy. Anna is now twenty, and Eve is sixteen. This is six years later.

Princess Eve woke up to the sounds of bells, wonderful, loud bells. She quickly dressed, washed her face, washed her teeth, and went to the dining room. Queen Anna, now twenty, sat at the head, and Princess sat at the other one. The cook served them, with peanut butter egg and cheese sandwiches.

''How are you today, Evelyn?'' Queen Anna asked. She was eating and talking, but not at the same time.

''Very well, Anna. When will you find a King, Anna?'' Princess was eating more than the Queen did.

''In about six years. Because, we Yami's, are always supposed to marry at twenty six. I will meet him, hopefully in three years. But alas, I am very lonely without one.'' The Queen sighed. Reader, Yami's, are the people who live in Koto.

''I am sorry, Anna. Would you like me to find a boyfriend for you? I'd be honoured to.'' Princess offered.

''Please, Eve, you do not need to help me. Today, you have a mission to do, as usual. Antonio will guide you through it. Not dangerous.'' Queen Anna said, and Princess made sure she heard the mission.

Over the years they were in Koto, Princess Evelyn, became addicted to sword fighting and liked dangerous tasks. She now knows how to kill a thief. Antonio, however, became her personal trainer for everything she wanted to do. Horse riding, sword fighting, wrestling, karate, kung-fu, and much more. Princess Eve never got tired of it. In one day, she would do two of them. But along with that, she forgotten her talent. Piano, she had been away from it probably for the whole time. She started with playing everyday, and then less, and less, until she forgot she even had a talent.

''Here's the mission, get the World Trouble Tracker from the library, go back to earth with Antonio, and track down the troubles. Then you go and kill the thief's and those bad people. If you don't like it, I can make another mission.''Queen Anna told the Princess. Princess Eve shook her head.

''No, no I love it! What's my goal? What time should I be back?''Princess Eve had a watch only made for the time in Koto.

''Your goal is to kill at least ten bad people. You should be back in about eight hours, I think that would be five o' clock. Finish eating, and hand this paper to Antonio, and you may be on your way.''Queen Anna gave Princess the paper with mission instructions. Princess quickly finished her breakfast, excused herself and headed to Ant's office, where he normally should be.

Princess knocked on the door, and Ant opened the door. He sat down in his chair.

''What brings you here, on this fine morning, Eve?''Ant asked. Princess sat down on the chair in front of his desk.

''My mother has given me a new mission, Ant. We are to be back at five.''Princess handed the paper to Antonio. He read it, and put it down on his desk.

''I actually have the World Trouble Tracker right here,''He searched for it in a drawer, and held it up high so she could see. It looked like a calculator, but with a wire sticking out. ''You have to wear the suit we use. Here.''Ant gave her the black, tights, black boots reaching the knee, black headband, black sunglasses, black long sleeved shirt, and a black leather jacket. To top it off, a belt that hung around her waist. It had her dagger, sword, and gun. And more. Princess took it.

''I see. But I have forgotten how to get back in to the other universe...''Princess told Ant.

''No worries! Going back is different, not the same, where you need to use the locket. I won't tell you how, because only adults should know and see,''Princess gave him a sign she was going to the bathroom and changing, and she went to change, as quick as ever. She came back, and told him to go on.''Put these glasses on, so you can't see anything, and I will make us land in New France, also known as Quebec, Canada, where you were raised.''Antonio gave the Princess some glasses, and when she put it on, she couldn't see.

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