First Day, New Beginnings!

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The day started off cold. I woke up to the sound of the wind howling outside, trees shaking violently, indicating the speed of the wind somewhat. It was pretty fast. 

The first day of high school was finally here. I looked up at my wardrobe, where my uniform hung. The uniform consisted of a blue and black blazer, a black shirt and a blue tie. We had to buy and wear our own black pants and everyone had shoes specifically used for school given to them in their lockers, with colours indicating the year you was in. Thankfully, to fit the uniform, we had blue. 

"Urgh," I sighed, getting up from my bed. I wrapped myself in my bed covers and made my way downstairs. It was really cold. 

"Good morning!" Mom shouted from the kitchen, hearing me coming downstairs. "I'll make you some pancakes." 

"Morning," I yawned, ambling into the kitchen and towards the table. "I'll just have two today, I am not that hungry."

"It's a special occasion. Your first day at school," Mom sounded more excited than me. It was a Monday, who could blame me?

"Two, please," I repeated, sitting down with my covers still around me. "Why is it so cold inside?"

"Cold? Say that when you learn how to cook, it is hot over here," my Mom tutted as she spoke, cooking up breakfast.

"Well, anyway, I was planning to meet everyone at the bus stop near our middle school. They have a bus that runs through to the city and school," I told my Mom who turned to me with a frown.

"You could have told me that sooner, you'll need some money now." 

"Sorry," I laughed nervously, tapping my index fingers against the table. I didn't have much patience and the pancakes were smelling so good, I could already taste them. 

"Is your uniform ready and ok?" she just had to ask. All Mom's worried on the first day.

"Everything is fine," I replied in a serious tone with a hint of 'stop hassling me' mixed in. She seemed to understand because she continued to cook and sighed. "I'll probably be home late since it takes about 25 minutes on the bus."

"That's fine," Mom seemed to have finished, putting two fresh pancakes onto a plate. "You were all planning on making a club too, right? What was it again?" 

"I have spoken about this several times, Mom..." I didn't give anything away to let her figure it out. I never told her about the body we found. We all kept it to ourselves. 

"Oh right, 'The Investigation Club' or something, right?" she shrugged while putting the plate down in front of me, noticing the cover wrapped around my body. "You cold?" 

"Very," I laughed a little. "I'll be fine in my cocoon."

"Well, you better hurry and eat up because you might miss this bus if you're not careful," Mom was worried as per usual, but I nodded. 

"'Kay!" I added to the nod with pancake stuffed in my mouth. Today was going to be a long day, but it was feeling like the most exciting day of the year. The excitement kept growing and growing inside of me, expanding. I could feel it waiting to burst.

Once breakfast was finished, all that was left was to put on my uniform and finally set off to the bus stop. I was glad that the stop was right next to our old school. Each look at the campus reminded me of the past. I met everyone there. We made memories worth sharing with our future kids. We made the beginning of this very club. What was in store, was unbeknownst to us at the moment. I stepped outside into the cold. The wind had died down now and it was less harsh, so the weather was good enough to tolerate the cold, whenever it hit me. The walk wasn't too long, either, which was good. It was always quite simple to get to middle school. I had to pass down my street and then turn left at a crossroad. Then, it was a five-minute walk straight to the bus stop. The five minutes whizzed by. I had barely any time to collect my thoughts before noticing Cilan, Serena, Kenny and of course, Gary. Although he was forgetful and unorganised, he always seemed to be on time.

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