sep 17

28 3 0

ylaylakyla has requested to videochat with you

ylaylakyla is typing...

ylaylakyla : omg i'm so so sorry i didn't mean to press that

dino99 : don't be sorry

dino99 : why don't we video chat though

ylaylakyla : bc we don't know each other

dino99 : *yet*

ylaylakyla : and i'm too ugly for you

dino99 : well i doubt that last one

dino99 : is that you in your profile pic?

ylaylakyla : aah yes >.<

dino99 : you're really pretty

dino99 : let's video chat some other time ok? i need to go

ylaylakyla : yes let's :)

read on 17:th of september, 17:47

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