Part 8: I'd Prefer Green Tea

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I woke up around 9am, all rested. I laid in my bed for about half an hour more, as I always do on my lovely lazy Sundays. Oh Sundays, my Sundays. I should watch 'Dead Poets Society' again sometime, because my head is starting to make references of it. It's a sign.

As I crawled out of bed and slipped into my slippers, I headed for the kitchen. It's empty, so I assume that my parents are still sleeping.

I thought I'd make myself some tea; and it seemed like a really good idea. Until I turned the kettle on and it started making noises.

It sounds a bit less loud when somebody's around. And now it feels like I'm trying to hide a train in the kitchen, because the kettle sounds exactly like a train before leaving the station.

I just sat down to appreciate my logic and wait until someone shows up at the doorstep.

And just at the moment when the water was boiled, my mum appeared at the same spot that I was watching a second ago.

"Morning," She said between yawns.

"Hello," I said awkwardly and instantly continued, "Sorry that this thing woke you up. I didn't realize it would become so noisy."

"You're just like your parents," She let out a chuckle. "It's our casualty on weekdays, the first who gets up, turns on the kettle. It's like some kind of an alarm."

"Weird parents you are," I smiled. "Didn't dad wake up?" I asked while pouring water into my cup with Scooby Doo. Yes, I love Scooby Doo.

"He's still snoring."

"What if it was a weekday and both of you continued sleeping?"

"It's just this time, we went to sleep on 2am."

"Owls," I said. "Which tea do you want?" I asked, taking a pack of raspberry tea.

"Thanks love, but I don't want anything."

I shrugged and sat at the table.

She sat opposite to me.

"Well?" She asked.

"What well?"



"Was it fun yesterday? With the guys?" I almost opened my mouth, but she dropped another question. "Was it Johnny's birthday?"

"It's Jamie, mum. As I understood, it wasn't his birthday. And yes, it was really nice. I owe Jamie a pizza now, because I forgot my money."

"Oooh, so you two will need to meet again to eat pizzas, right?"

Oh, mom, please.

"I guess we'll need to wait until the next time we watch a movie or something," I tried to stay calm and not show any of emotions, because nothing can slip through a mother's eye. I mean, she takes everything so seriously.

"Did any of the guys catch your eye?"

Are you serious? That's what I want to say. But I won't let my hormones take advantage of me.

"I don't really know them yet, mum," I simply answered.

"Oh come on, Lilly. Four boys and nothing?"

Yeah, like I'd just spill who my crush is if I had one. Actually, maybe I should - she's my mum. But in this case, crushes are not involved.

"I have known them for approximately two days, I cannot have any opinion on that topic yet," I answered, imitating a politician and using formal language.

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