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                  Your p.o.v
I through my stuff on my bed and put on pajamas (above) I look in my bag "crap" I whisper to my self I take out my mp3 player plug in my ear buds

I can't help but to think of the boy vlyad I feel bad for being rude to him I'll apologise
to him tomorrow I roll over and go to sleep
                 Vlyads P.O.V
I jump out if bed and jump on Zane "GET UUUUP BRO!!!!!" he smacks me with a pillow "I'll get up when my-" just then his alarm goes off and he growls I jump off and push him off the bed.THUD."oww" he wines while rubbing his bottom a so the same to garroth except involving ice cold water in a garroth sized bucket and being chased trough the house...tiiime ssskkiiippp brought to you by my derpiness 😝
I walk into school and see that girl..being bullied...and she get shoved against a locker he gets up and breathes before getting hit by a textbook she chuckles before take ing her knee to the girls nose...
            Your P.O.V
I get hit by a book and I loose it I knee Ivy in the nose and she runs.vlyad is standing there wide eyed "hey sorry about that and what I said before." I said scratching the back of my neck "I-its f-fine um he-hears your n-note book" he studders blushing when my hand lands on his I raise my eye brow and he let's go and runs .I just shrug it off.

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