The Pizza Girl

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The door opened and at the other side of the door there was a tall guy, a beautiful tall guy, with messy, curly and brown hair which looked soft. His eyes were shine green and you could see what a happy person he was. And his lips...God, his lips. 

"Hey there"- he said and smiled.

Ovaries: exploding. 

                                                                THE PIZZA GIRL (1D Fanfiction

-Prologue-Money had never been a problem in our family, but since my dad - or should I say a tradegy for this world- divorced from my mom, we have been having some troubles. 

This old man does not want to pay college for me, -neither for my brother- so mom has been working two different works. She always comes home late and I feel sorry for her, so I decided I'd start working a part time job while I'm in summer vacation. I actually had a job in Junior year but it was pretty boring so I quited.

At first I was thinking on working in Barnes & Nobles, but it was too far away from my house. There was a McDonald's near my house but I did not want an accident and have my face burned by the oil. You can tell pretty much I'm not that smooth in the kitchen. I also had a job at Taco Bell's but since I "accidentaly" pour hot sauce in an irritating costumer's taco I got fired. -I also was told to never come back- I'm just going to wait for you to realize that I'm not actually mean, I just like justice. 


-You really don't need to do this- my mom says. Maybe she really means it. Maybe she doesn't want me to work in highschool, or maybe she is just scared that I might kill someone like I almost did in Taco Bell. 

-Mom- I let out an exagerated sigh-  I can do this. This job seems fun and I won't put any spicy condiments on the pizza, in fact, I'm not cooking the pizza, I'm delivering it.- Oh right... lets give my mom some credit. She has the right to not fully trust me. I often quit at the jobs I get...and It's not completly normal to get a call from a Taco Bell's manager saying that a costumer had to go to the hospital because your daughter thought he was being unpolite. 

-Mom- I said, trying to wake up her trust for me...but she stood there silently looking at the papers I had to sign.

-Mom- I repeated, and this time, she looked at me and chuckle.

-Okay. But, will you put all your effort in this job, Juliette Laurel Dunkel?- the manager tried to hide his laughter but he miserably failed. My face got all red. 50 percent embarrasement and 50 percent anger.

I nodded.

The manager who still had a smile on his face gave me a pen and I signed my name on the paper. Now I was officially a Pizza Delivery Girl. 

-You'll start this friday- the manager said, he extended his hand and we shaked them. It was my first time so I just kept going...until I could feel my hand sweating.

-Juli...- mom whispered.

I immediatly open my hand and forced a smile, like nothing happened. 

-Thank you, Sir- I said, trying to hide my embarrasment. Why Juli...why are we always like this? Can't we be normal for a while?.


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