Chapter 2

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Nick, Sarah, and the buff Suited Cop showed up first.  I handed the cop the key and smiled at them.

"You first!" I said moving out of the way, "I'm Special Agent Lily Flippen!"

"Caption James Brass!" the buff Suited cop said as he opened the door.

Blood covered everything.  Amy's body was shredded into millions of pieces.  They were scattered over the room.  As Nick and Sarah started working more Cops showed up.  Gil, Catherine, Warrick, and Greg showed up also.

"Who entered the room?" Gil asked.

"Caption Brass was the one that opened the door!" I answered, "I would not go in until Someone was here to collect the Evidence!"

"How did you know that there was a body inside without opening the door?" Sarah asked.

"I just knew!"

I went to find Security, so I could look at the Recordings for the last couple of days.

"I need to see the Surveillance Videos for the last couple of days!" I said showing the Officer my Badge.

"You're in sweats!" he said looking at me confused.

"My suit is covered in blood from an accident!"

He looked behind me and nodded.  I turned to see Nick.  I shook my head and followed the Officer.

"How did you know about the body?" Nick asked softly into my ear.

"I just knew!" I answered fighting the urge to kiss him.


We followed the Officer into the Surveillance Room.

"Hello, I'm Nick Stokes from the Crime Lab!" Nick said as we pulled out our badges, "This is Special Agent Lily Flippen!  Please don't mind her outfit!"

"Why would you point out my outfit?" I asked pissed at the men staring me up and down.

"Well, you don't look like an FBI Agent when you are wearing sweats!"

I shook my head and sat down.

"How can we help you?" the woman behind the viewing area asked.

"We need to see the Footage around room 509 and all access points to room 509!" I answered.

"How far back do you need?"

"At least the last 3 days!"

"Okie Dokie!"

She gave us a copy of everything for the last week.

"Let me know if you need anything else!" she said as we headed back to the Elevator.

"Was it some type of marking on the wall?" Nick asked as we got into the Elevator.

"No, it was nothing like that!" I laughed.

He moved closer to me which made me back up into the wall.

"You're hiding something!" he said inches in front of me.

I lost a bit of control and pulled him into a kiss.  My body felt like it was fully alive.  My heart was beating at a normal speed.  I pulled away, so he could breathe.

"Looks like you two can't be left alone!" Greg said with slight laughter.

We did not notice that we had reached our floor.

"Well, that is not what I expected!" Nick said with a smile.

"Sorry!" I said before I ran past him.

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