I sat down next to him and poured me a glass of Sweet Tea. I smiled as he handed me his glass.
"It's super Sweet!" I said looking at him.
"If you can drink it, then I can drink it!" he said not understanding that the 3 Gallon Pitcher had 10 pounds of Suger in it.
He took one sip and started coughing. I busted out laughing. He handed me the glass and I downed it without a trouble.
"I bet you can't do that with Vodka!" Nick said trying to start a challenge.
"Well, get some and we will see what happens!" I said with a smile.
He walked into the Kitchen and returned with 4 different bottles of Vodka. All of them have never been opened.
"I get them just in case I have someone over that wants a drink!" he said thinking he needed to explain.
We finished our food and started drinking. He downed one glass and looked buzzed. I downed one bottle and was buzzed. I leaned over to him and started kissing him. He downed one more glass, and I downed one more bottle. By the time all the bottles were gone we blacked out.
I regained focus hours later and found I was naked in Nick's bed with a naked Nick beside me. I jumped out of bed and started getting dressed. The gown I had on was ripped to shreds. I noticed a strange piece of paper on the dresser. I walked over and fell to the ground when I read MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE.
"What's wrong?" Nick said sitting up.
"We are Married!" I answered shocked at it all.
He looked at the Certificate on the dresser and fell down beside me. We looked at each other wide-eyed, then started kissing. He slowly started to undress me, but before he got my top off his phone started to ring. I smiled as he grunted.
"Hello!" Nick said answering the call.
"Hey Nick, it's Sarah!" I heard Sarah respond on the other end, "We all are going out to eat to caught up, so I thought I would give you a call to see if you and Lily might want to join us!"
"Where at?"
"Normal spot!"
"We will be right there!"
He quickly got dressed and pulled me to the SUV. I smiled as he quickly got the vehicle started. As he drove I noticed a beautiful Ring on my Left Hand. I looked at Nick's Left Hand and saw a matching Ring. My Ring had a Ruby and Nick's Ring had an Onyx. I was happy that the Silver looking parts did not burn my skin.
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"It's White Gold!" Nick said glancing at me.
"How did you know what I was wondering?" I asked.
"Because I love you!"
I hide my blushing face. I smiled as we pulled into a Dinner's Parking Lot. I saw Nick's Co-workers pile out of their SUVs. I opened my door and ended up hitting Greg with the door.
"I'm so sorry!" I laughed.
"How is that funny?" he asked confused.
"You would thank I would have seen you!"
"I guess you are right!"
He laughed as we followed the others into the Dinner. I sat down across from Nick. As I moved a piece of Hair behind my ear with my Left Hand Sarah noticed the Ring. She pulled my hand toward her.
"Why do you have a strange looking ring?" she asked.
Before I could answer Nick placed his Left Hand on mine.
"We got Married last night!" he said with a smile.
"Why did you not tell us?" Warrick asked.
"We found out this morning!" I answered a bit embarrassed.
"Well, Nick you can't work Amy's Case!" Grissom said, "I will find you a case you can work on! Lily, you might want to let your boss know about this also!"
Nick and I nodded together.
"What can I get you?" A Waitress asked.
"7 cups of Coffee to start with!" Grissom answered.
She wrote it down with a nod. She walked off without another word.
"What are we getting?" Catherine asked looking at us all.
Everyone else asked for what they always get and I asked for a Rare Steak with Hard Fried Eggs. When the Waitress returned with our Coffee Catherine gave her our order.
"Was there any new news about the evidence found in Amy's Room?" I asked as we waited for food.
"We are waiting on some evidence to come in from the FBI!" Grissom answered.
I nodded. We quietly ate after that. After eating we headed back to the Lab.
"Are you ok with me being off of Amy's Case?" Nick asked as I pulled out my phone.
"I would be happy if you were on the case, but I understand why you are not able to be on it!" I answered as I dialed Hookknife's number.
It rang a few times before he answered the phone.
"Hello!" he said answering the call.
"Hello Hookknife, I have something I need to tell you!" I said with a smile, "I wish to inform you that I am Married to Los Vegas Crime Investigator Nick Stokes!"
"Um, I don't know what to say! Congratulations! Hope it all goes well, if you need anything from me call me!"
"Thank you, sir! I will make sure that I let you know of anything I need!"
"Have fun!"
"You too!"
I smiled as Hookknife hung up. Nick smiled at me as he gave me a quick glance.
"Ready for the day?" Nick asked as he pulled into the Parking lot.
"I am ready for anything the world has to throw at us!" I answered as I unbuckled.
I held his hand as we walked into the lab. As we got to the desk Brass stopped me. I let go of Nick's hand and looked at Brass confused.
"Lily Flippen, you are under arrest for the Murder of Amy Moore!" Brass said pulling out a pair of Silver Handcuffs, "You have the right to remain silent! Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law!"
"Why are you arresting her?" Nick asked trying to get to me.
"We found traces of her DNA at the Crime Scene!"
"Nick, don't worry!" I said with a smile, "Can Nick pick my stuff up after it has been cleared and checked?"
"Yes, I will let him know when he can pick it all up!"
I nodded and turned around. I held my arms out behind me and waited to feel the burn of the silver. Before the handcuffs touched my skin someone ran up to us.
"It wasn't Lily!" Greg said out of breath, "It was someone else!"
"Who was it?" Brass asked.
"It was unknown, but it was clear that the reason that it showed up as Lily was due to a Blood Transfusion she had after her Partners were killed!"
Anger filled me as I thought of the only blood in my system. I ran down the DNA lab not listening to anyone around me. I got on the Computer and started typing away. It was clear that Amy was killed by the same person that killed my other Partners.