Chap. 1- I know you

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"Oh shit!" I yell, running from my college. Somebody has broken into the school when I was in the hall and started shooting at me.

I run as fast as I can, finding an exit in the maze that is my school, and run outside.

The bullets don't stop.

I run around my school and find a neighborhood. I don't stop running. Eventually I find a house with a light on inside. I bang on the door, not caring who it was.

Who opened the door was not who I expected.

And to think I almost wore my twenty one pilots shirt instead of my Fall Out Boy one.

"Hey, who- oh my god get inside." Josh dun, THE Josh dun, had opened the door. Once I'm inside, he slams the door closed and and leans against it.

"Well I guess I should call the police." He says. I do nothing, I just stand there like an idiot, staring at Josh.

"Wait! A! Minute! I know you! You're Ash Karnic from A Quarter Til! AshCanDrum Ash Karnic! Ashley Karnic!" He exclaims, pointing at me.

"And... you're Josh Dun..." I say quietly. "How- how do you know me?"

"Oh, I listen to your music all the time. I watch your and KelsCanSing's channels on YouTube, too. I'm a big fan, I have your Cover album and EP," Josh babbles.

"And, well, obviously I'm a fan of you too," I laugh. "I have all of your albums, even Regional At Best." [Side note: in the fanfic, Josh was always there, but Chris and Nick left at the same time. Chris played keyboard instead of drums.]

My phone plays Forest, signaling that my school is calling me. I answer, and my principal tells me what time I can come back tomorrow.

I hang up and look at Josh. "My school said not to come back anytime between now and 5:30 pm tomorrow. And that's a problem. I live on campus and Kelsie is out of town," I explain, sitting on the couch with Josh.

"You could spend the night," Josh blurts, then blushes. "I- I mean- you don't have to- I was just-" I cut him off. "If it's okay with you, I will." Josh nods and runs his fingers through his hair.

"I wanna try something with your hair," I say.

"You just wanna touch it, do you?" He asks.

"It looks soft!"

"Go ahead."

What happened next happened so fast I think time sped up.

When my hands were above his head, he grabbed my wrists, and pulled me towards him. Our heads tilted opposite ways, I could feel his breath on my cheek, and our eyes half closed, we slowly got closer and our lips touched. Josh let go of my wrists and I run my fingers through his hair. His lips are hard on mine and soften right before we pull apart.

We stare into each other's eyes, me thinking, He's a good kisser, and Josh blushes. Well, I said that out loud.


Soon enough, we got clothes for me at hot topic for tomorrow.

And we got a lot of stares, considering it looked like Josh Dun of twenty one pilots was dating Ash "AshCanDrum" Karnic of A Quarter Til.

I also found that Hard Clique/Soft Clique does exist. [Hard clique feels they are more valued by Josh and Tyler, and they send death threats to Soft clique. Soft clique is the exact opposite, they feel everyone is equally loved by Josh and Tyler, and they try to keep people alive.] I got people asking for pictures, hugs, and autographs, while some scowled, glared, and one even "accidentally" spilled iced coffee on my shoes.

I sigh. "It's fine," I had said. "Once Gerard Way spilled coffee on me, it's fine."

Was it, though? To know that parts of the clique are bullying others?

I sit in Josh's guest bedroom, texting a group chat between Kelsie, the singer and pianist for A Quarter Til, and Ryan, our head tech. We only have 3 members of tech: Ryan, Amber, and Dani. Ryan does lights, Amber does volume, and Dani does stage effects. I'm backing vocals, Drums, and Bass, having one of my former crushes do bass when I'm playing drums and drums when I do bass. His name is Joe, he's only on stage. We use layering to record our stuff, so he just learns the chords and beats and gets it down for concerts. He seems content with that. "As long as I get payed," he had said. Anyway, this is how our chat had gone:

AshKetchum: I'm dating Josh dun
Kelelelels: lol autocorrect XD you wish
AshKetchum: why would something autocorrect to I'm dating Josh Dun
NotRyanRoss: she's got a point
Kelelelels: send a pic of you and Josh
Kelelelels: do it within 5 minutes so I know it's not photoshop
AshKetchum: here you go *pic of ash and Josh, sitting on Josh's bed*
AshKetchum: well there was this bad guys at school so I ran and somehow found Josh's house so yea
NotRyanRoss: well it's not photoshop
NotRyanRoss: I would know
AshKetchum: lol Kels maybe you'll end up with a crew mem

I laugh to myself, and Josh comes in my room.

"I, Joshua William dun, challenge you" he points at me with a drumstick "to a drum war."

I laugh again, and reply with, "I, Ashley Vaughn Karnic, accept your challenge."

We go up to his music room, and he has 3 drum sets, 3 trumpets, 2 ukuleles, an acoustic and an electric guitar, and a bass. I run over to his drum set, he glares at me, and walks over to a red drum set.

I click my sticks, and play the chorus of Thnks Fr Th Mmrs by Fall Out Boy. When I'm done, Josh plays the intro and verse of in my place by Coldplay. We go back and forth, and eventually I play trees with a bit of extra at the end, and Josh screams "NOT FAIR!" And throws his sticks on the ground. By now, my knuckles are peeling and my hands are cramped and sweaty [sounds like it could replace the "lips are chapped and faded" from cancer lol]. We decide to do covers of The Judge and House of gold by twenty one pilots, Bipolar love by Social Repose, I Miss You by Blink-182, and Are You Gonna Be My Girl by Jet. We started around 10:45 and ended about 2:00 am.

I lay in bed, cuddling with Josh. I think for a minute.

"Yeah, I keep seeing things about them and I keep hearing Stressed out on the radio. I'm gonna buy blurryface," Kelsie says. "I think I will too," I say. Ride is good, Tear In My Heart is good, and so is Stressed Out. I think I could like twenty one pilots.

"I just got vessel, and MAN I love trees!" I tell Kelsie. "Oh really? Do you actually or are you just trying to be Josh?" Kelsie teases. "Shut up, I do! And Josh is cute."

"OH MY GOD THEY SAID YES! IM BUYING REGIONAL AT BEST OFF EBAY!" I scream, jumping up and down. "YESSSSS! NOW WE CAN TEASE OTHER PEOPLE! Ha just kidding that would be rude." Kelsie says, patting my head.

I became a fan later in their career, but that doesn't make me any less of a fan.

So what if I don't know their history?

I'm dating the drummer. Is that good enough for you?

We'll sing a chorus // Josh Dun fanficWhere stories live. Discover now